Taken Love Part 3

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Taken Love 🤞🏻 Part 3
You were blown away that Demi did this. You didn't know what to feel. You wanted to go to the police.....but a piece of you wants to talk to her. You took your things inside and sat on your couch. You just sat in your thoughts all night. You charged your cellphone. Your phone rang. It was your best friend. You answered. "Hello?" 'Y/n! Omg! I've been calling and calling! I even went by your house! Where have you been?! Are you okay?!' You sat in silence for a minute. 'Y/n?!' "Uh yeah......I um....went to....Cabo for a few weeks....haven't had my phone aha." You said nervously. 'Really? With no notice?' "I just um.....needed time. To myself." 'Are you okay?' "Yeah I'm good." 'Okay well I'm coming over tomorrow.' "Okay. See you then." You crashed down on the couch. You lied. Why? You had to talk to Demi. It's 3 am. Who cares she kidnapped me. You drove over to her house and banged on the door. Demi opened the door. Her eyes widened. She looked scared. 'Y/n.....what're you doing here?' "Demi. Sit down we need to talk." 'Okay. Sure...do you wanna talk outside if it would be more comfortable for you?' "It's fine." 'Okay.' Demi walked inside and sat on the couch. You stood in front of her. "Okay. Why did you send me my things and money?" 'It's your property you deserve to have it back....and the money was to help you....I know what I did caused you to lose your job....' she teared up a bit. 'I'm sorry I'll never forgive myself.' There were bruises on her hands. And cuts on her arms. They weren't deep. "Demi.....why?" You motioned to her hand and arms. She quickly covered them. 'I um...Batman scratched me.' "Oh really. Cause he's the cutest nicest dog ever." She smiled. 'Yeah he's great.' "Yeah he is." You laughed. "But seriously Demi. That's not the answer." 'Then what is?' You sat next to her. "Look this is gonna be hard for me....." you put your hand on hers. "I'm going to......" you took a deep breath. "I'm going to give you a second chance..." she looked confused. 'Why?' "Because you have a kind heart....and I believe in second chances...." 'are you serious? After all I did to you?' "Yes. Now let's clean you up." 'Wow. I hope to be as strong and kind as you.' "I'll teach you." You smiled. You bandaged Demi and walked to the door. 'Thank you y/n. And again I'm sorry.' "Stop apologizing. Please. I get it. You feel bad. I can tell. Just.......I'll see you later." You walked towards your car. 'Y/n!' "Yes." You turned back. 'Did you really mean that?' "What?" 'See you later?' "Yes. I will. Goodnight Demi." 'Night y/n....drive safe..........'

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