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I am Leo Bright, writing this as I smoke weed which I've cut on my breaking bad case. I guess I just wanna keep track of the shit that’s going on at the moment in case something happens to me. I've been controlling fires lately, which makes me sound bat shit insane, but I've kinda become obsessed with fire...starting them, because when i do I seem to be able to curve the flames if I think really hard. Its fucking awesome and handy to light smokes with!!! But yeah this isn't bullshit im scared I might do something n get maself killed. So if you're reading this, im dead. Now you know why. Sorry mom, not that you’d give a fucking shit right?
P.s. I met this fucking beautiful girl at this bookshop while I was researching this stuff....I think I’ll try get her number :p

Leo watched Meg from across the road, palms sweating while she tried to get the nerve up to go over there. Her tummy seemed to be doing butterflies as she got to her feet and approached the woman she'd become obsessed with. The park was one of those small green spaces that homed a lake and a fountain while being entirely boxed in on every side by three lane traffic. There was no peace there surely... Leo couldn't understand why anyone would want to spend time in such a depressing amount of nature, what did it accomplish? The young girl was a few meters away she noticed a man had joined Meg. He left Leo speechless, breathless even. He was about 5'9 with earth and sand coloured hair, blue eyes which struck Leo even from this distance, she could imagine gazing up into them for hours on end. Of course those two would be a couple, they were the most beautiful creatures she'd ever seen. Like gods among men. Leo was understandably discouraged, that is until she saw Meg getting up and leaving, walking straight past the younger girl on her way back to her shop. Leo would have followed her but she was transfixed now on this man, she felt as if she knew him in another life. She was drawn to him. Hense she was now following him out of the park, cussing at herself under her breath for being such a creep the firey red head kept her distance until she saw him enter a bar: The Bacchae. Well shit. She couldn't exactly follow him in there being 17 and all, so she contented herself with sneaking down the side alley to try and get in a back way. She needed to see him for as long as she could. He was just that beautiful.

Twenty minutes must have passed before Leo got tired of watching the man navigate what she now gathered was his bar. He pointed and people moved, said something and they laughed. She imagined how he would smell, no doubt better than any of the other scumbags she had been with. The small red head now climbed down of her little stack of crates and assessed the area she’d been standing in for the past half hour.
      “Not the best idea Leo, oh look, it’s even getting dark… why not strap a big “easy target” sign on my head?” She’d been in the habit of talking to herself lately, ever since things started happening that she couldn’t have talked to anyone other than herself about; and even then she found it hard to believe. She carefully left the alley, checking the footpath both ways for people as if it were a busy street, though in her mind it was just as dangerous. She walked at a brisk pace, hugging her jacket around herself as she kept her head down and her lighter tight in her fist. Perhaps she would be able to make something happen if she was really scared or something, maybe the powers she’d discovered were more for protection. God knows she needed some in her life. Her house was luckily one bus away though she had to spend a minute or two debating whether to just sleep in the bus shelter. She was low of smokes though, it had been the deciding factor.

She thanked the driver and stepped out into the chilly night air. She couldn’t tell if it was autumn or winter, leaves rustled around her feet as she walked up the path to the side of the house. She let herself in through the gate of a thousand screaming souls which alerted her parents to her arrival.
     “Leonna? That you? Where the fuck have you been?” She heard her step father calling from the kitchen window as she ducked under it hoping he might leave her alone if he didn’t see her. “Leonna! Get your ass in here!” He called when she tried to duck past the door quickly. She cussed and turned around.
     “What David?” She asked in her usual moody teenager tone.
     “Where’s your bitch mum?” He asked
     “I have no idea where Carol is David, why don’t you try her cell?”
     “No answer, is she fucking around?”
     “Ew Jesus! I have no fucking clue! I’m going to my room to try drowning out the idea of my mother fucking someone.” She said turning to leave through the lounge. Her whole body froze a moment when she saw someone face down on the couch in her mother’s robe.
     “Mum? Mum are you alive?” She said with a hint of hope in her voice, not even she knew which way the hope was leaning but the disappointment of seeing her mother stir seemed to answer it. “Oh yay,” She said when a mouthful of vomit was coughed onto the carpet.
      “She’s in here David! Try looking next time! Also, clean up isle Carol-ann!” She chuckled at her own joke as she trotted down the hallway to her room promptly locking it behind herself.

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