ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟸: ᴘᴇᴛ ʙᴜɴɴʏ?

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(Edited 6/13/20)

Heyooo Everyone please stay safe out there!! And Thank you so much for reading!! Sorry in advance for any mistakes!

The Home of the L/n's

It had been a day and a half after the attack. Y/n recovered just fine, his parents were gonna tell Ozpin that he was just fine and ready to attend school again, But he refused, saying he would go back on his when he was ready.

Y/n really wanted to go out and explore. His need for adventure was nagging him. Of Course, Cinder and Superbia wanted him to go back instead of frolic around but that wouldn't stop him from going around.

Currently, Cinder and Y/n were currently walking around town. They didn't wear any disguises either they were there just like they would be any other day.

Cinder: Master?

Y/n: Yeah?

She points to the poster hung on the wall, It was the upcoming Vytal Festival.

Cinder: You should convince Ozpin to let you in on the competition.

Y/n: He probably wouldn't let me we don't even have a full team not to mention if I get angry and punch a guys face in I might bust his skull if I don't hold back." he stopped and thought about something. "Damn I could have done that to that Cardin Guy."

Cinder Laughed.

Cinder: But he might want to see just what your true limits are." she said crossing his arms. " And not to worry I believe we'll make a full team in time for the Festival."

Y/n looked at her with confusion.

Y/n: What's going through your head right now?"

Cinder: Mmm? Nothing!~" sing the last bit. "But in all honestly, I have friends that need help."

Y/n: They want power like you?" Cinder Shook her head.

Cinder: No not like me they Need Uh... Life Help?" Y/n's Eyebrow rose.

Y/n: Life Help? I ain't buying it I'll let it go since you seem like you don't wanna talk about it.

Cinder: Thank you.

Y/n hummed in response and continued walking, he felt extremely energized after taking a break, soothing his need for relaxation.

He was simply feeling the breeze in his hair, the tingling sensations moving his h/l h/c hair in a wavy motion.

It's was nice to take a breather now and then, peeking at the stores with no weight on the shoulders.

But that didn't seem to last long.

???: Y/n? You are Okay!" The person gives a huge hug to Y/n"

Y/n eyes widen in shock. Wow so soon that he was found. Then again he wasn't exactly hiding. -_-;

Y/n: Uhh-? Hey uh, Velvet" he said hugging the happy Bunny back. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Velvet: And I didn't expect you to be outside!" She said pinching his cheeks. "You're supposed to be recovering! Team Rwby said you would be out for three days!"

Y/n: Welllll... I uhh-"

Velvet: No no no I'm not buying it! You're going back home if you're not fully recovered!" She started to push him to get him to move. But she didn't succeed.

Cinder: if I may my master is just fine.

Velvet: Oh! Cinder I didn't know you were here!" She said Blushing deep red. Her ears lowered a little more than what it was a second ago.

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