Into The Darkness...

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Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? These are all questions I doubt will be answered, but perhaps solved. I have woken up in a dark room on a cold, hard stone floor with no recollection of what had happened to lead to this. As I get up I feel a sharp pain n my head followed by dizziness, I must of hit my head earlier. I begin to feel around the pitch, black room in means of an exit and then I touch what seems to be a door. I reach for where I'd think a door handle would be and my hand slips past stopped by nothing. As my heart sinks thinking that I might be stuck in this room, I feel something round and metallic and I let out I sigh of relief. I turn the handle and open the door to a hallway just barely brighter then the room I found myself in. There were only a few dimly lit candles at the ends of the hallway and one or two along the way. All the sudden I hear a ruffling noise, as if some dragged their heel across the floor, from a room in which I have to squint to see the door for. "Hello?" I call out to try and find some answers, "If someone is there, can you tell me why I'm here?" I hear no response, so I begin to slowly approach the barely visible door where the sound came from. I open the door to a kitchen and to my horror, there was blood splatter on the walls, "I hope that's from some sort of farm animal", I say to myself. I search the fairly large room for the "person" that I heard walking around, with no success. There was one window in the kitchen and I checked to see if whatever made that noise went out the window, but it was locked and barred. I look around the room for another exit with no success. I head towards the door and I see a shadow slip past the dim light of a candle. "Was that the same thing that made the noise shortly before?" I wondered. I began to follow the path of the shadow down the dark hallway. I continued down the hallway until I'm stopped by a large door. There was light slipping through the slits in the door, I try and look what's on the other side, but the slits were too small to see. I press my ear up against the door and I hear nothing. A few minutes later, still no sounds so I slowly grasp the handle and open the door. The door makes way to a great dinning hall with extravagant chandeliers hanging high above the floor. I move over to a table running at least 40 feet long, inspecting the dishes laid out on top. They were quite dusty, so they must've been here a while. If the dishes have not been disturbed for so long then why are the chandeliers still lit? How are the candles not burned out yet? I spot a knife glinting in the light, so I walk over and pick it up in case I run into trouble. I seem to notice the windows here are also secured with bars like the other one I saw in the kitchen. The person that use to live here, or still does, must've been quite insecure or trying to protect himself against a serious threat. There is another large set of doors at the opposite side of the room. I approach them and listen intently as I did before. I suddenly hear a shatter of glass. I'm startled and jump back, only then I realize the sound came from behind me. I swiftly pivot around and scan the room for what shattered. I could not find the source of the shatter, so I head back to the door. I grab a hold of the doorknob and all the lights go out immediately. I panic, swing the door open and start running, knife in hand. I keep running until I'm stopped by a figure in my path. I fall backwards and yelp in fright. "Oh, it's only my reflection", I laugh with relief for it is not the threat that has been haunting me since I woke up in this place. I sit still for a moment to catch my breath, see how far I've ran, and listen to any movement. I'm sitting at a dead end, so I get up and begin to move in the direction from which I came. I come a cross a pair of doors parallel to each other. I try the door to open the one to my right first, but it doesn't budge. I try the other one and it doesn't resist, I cautiously as to not start another chain reaction like the other. Nothing happens, I proceed into the room. I room is too dark for me to make out what is in front of me, but I move on anyways. I trip over what I assume is some sort of box and I drop my knife. I reach out in hopes of either finding my knife or something to pull myself up. I graze what feels like leather and I reach up and grasp something I can't identify. I begin to haul my self up and all of the sudden I realize what I have been holding on to is breathing and has the shape of a human body. I quickly scramble for my knife, but then I feel a sharp pain in my back and the warm sensation of blood running down my body. I scream in pain and begin to drag myself away. Then my hand grazes cold steel and as I am about to grasp it, I feel another sharp pain. I feel my strength lose me and I go limp. Then I go, into the darkness... 

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