Teenage Life Crisis - Chapter 24 - New Girl on the Block

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Finally! New Year! The day where it's perfect to start over again. It was the thirty first of December, 11:13 PM, everyone was very excited for the coming of year 2015 in Apollo's mansion. '5,4,3,2... 1! Happy New Year to America and all over the world!' The reported on TV said, then fireworks blast outside the mansion. Everywhere on New York was filled with happiness, and fireworks! Red, green, blue, purple, orange, any color you would think of, it was just up in the sky. 'Happy New Year hon...' Laura said. 'Happy New Year!' Apollo replied. Everyone in the mansion had nothing but smiles on their faces, so after half an hour of watching fireworks, everyone spent the night at Apollo's mansion again. 'Goodnight guys! Happy New Year!' Everyone said to each other.

Five months have past, nothing had really changed in Olympus, and the most shocking part, Zeus wasn't even back yet! Guess, Hera was really mad at him though. But there was one change, Demeter's baby is coming out! They immediately went to the hills so it'll fell more comfortable for Demeter. 'Come on sister! Come on! You can do it!' Hera told Demeter. 'Push! Push!' Hestia said while holding Demeter's hand. After a few minutes, Hestia yelled, 'It's a girl! It's a girl! Demeter has a girl!' Then she runs to Demeter, 'So, what would you name her?' 'Persephone...' And so it was made, one more child of Zeus, Persephone... So after giving birth to Persephone, Demeter and the others went back to the palace with Iris by Hera's side. They gave Persephone a small bath and fed her. Demeter was really happy, 'Wish her father was here though...' Demeter said. 'Oh come on, he wouldn't care a bit! He just LOVES making women pregnant, that's all!' Hera said in a weird voice. So after feeding, they put her in bed to sleep, 'We will raise her as a good girl. Not like the other ones of Zeus... She will know better...' Demeter told her siblings and Aphrodite. Everyone agreed.

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