Teenage Life Crisis - Chapter 25 - The Immortal Child

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It was a bright and sunny morning in New York City. Fourth of July had just past and everyone had a blast, there was an awesome parade that just happened in Times Square three weeks ago, so yeah, everyone had fun. When Laura woke up, her tummy ached real bad so Apollo and Laura went to the hospital to check, Apollo called her parents too. So after a 10 minute drive, they arrived atthe hospital. Laura was lying down with Apollo, some of the teens and her parents. Then the nurse entered, 'So I have some good news! We may be expecting the baby later or tomorrow! Or maybe a few more days... But still... Good news!' Everyone yelled of joy. Eveyone was hoping that the baby would come out later in the day...

And thank God! It happened! 9:34 PM! Laura's giving birth this second! Apollo can't wait to see his boy! After the extreme pain Laura experienced, it was all worth it. Then the nurse came by with Laura's baby in the nurse's arms. 'So, Mrs. Laura, this cute, little boy is waiting for his name! So, what's his name!' Apollo and Laura already prepared for this. 'Gabriel Michael Jacob...' Everyone loved the name! Even the nurse! So the nurse took the baby to the nursery while Laura rests for a few days in the hospital. Then Apollo told Laura, 'Wait Laura, if I'm his father, and I'm immortal... Oh my...' Laura's eyes was way bigger now, 'Then, he's an immortal too?!' The two were very shocked and decided keep it to themselves.

After a week of resting, Apollo, Laura and her mother went home to the mansion. Laura's mom will stay for awhile to help with the baby. Apollo called his sister, Hermes, Dionysus and Athena to help babysit Gab, Gabriel's nickname, while Laura and her mom whop for the baby's needs and for the nursery. The teens were actually doing good at this! Gab didn't even cry for 2 hours now! Then Artemis and Athena put Gab to sleep while Apollo and the boys watch him. He was so adorable while sleeping! Those small eyes, pinkish cheeks, soft, white skin and chubby feet! He was the perfect baby! Then the drama started... 'Ahhhh! Ahhhh!' Gab woke up and started crying. Apollo and the boys couldn't handle the madness, the girls think he wants food. 'How will we give him food! He's just days old! He needs breastmilk! Athena immediately calls Laura, 'Laura! Give your son milk! He's crying like hell! Hurry!' Laura was shocked. Good thing she was in the car going home. After 3-4 minutes, Laura runs to Gab, 'Aww, don't worry, mama's here... Um, hello? I'm gonna breastfeed! I need privacy here!' 'Oh yeah... Okay... Okay...' Everyone says. As Gab gets his food, the others just go to the living room. 'Well, that was weird...' Apollo said.

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