A Mon' in need

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13 year old Sheldon was currently in his classroom taking notes on a test he needed to pass in order to go on a journey. Sheldon was a light brown skinned boy with green medium wavy hair with ultra marine eyes. He wears an Eevee shirt with white long sweatpants and red shoes. On some occasions he wears his white jacket. The bell rings for everyone to go home and as Sheldon makes his way home he's suddenly lifted in the air and flung hard back on the ground. He looks up from his fallen state and noticed something that mad him grind his teeth, Bede. 

"Hey pal, your parents decided they didn't want you anymore?" Bede snickers while he passes by. Sheldon was getting fed up with Bede, ever since 3rd grade Bede has done nothing but bully him all because he didn't have a physical Cornia. He had to know, did he have some sort of grudge against him? Did he do something to him to make him mad? He just needed to know. "Why do you always go after me?!" He shouted at Bede and other students started to stare at them, a certain pair of yellow eyes staring with them.

Bede looked back at Sheldon and with the most malicious smile on his face said "Because while i'm considered a prodigy, you're nothing but a worthless nobody" The words struck hard and they kept on digging in, this is what everyone said to and about him. The only people who didn't ridicule him were his parents.

"Hey idiot." Sheldon looked up from the ground to see Bede less than 5 feet away from him. "There's another reason why it's always you." "A-and w-what is i-it" Sheldon may not look like it, but he is surprisingly shy. "It's because everyone knows that you'll never. amount. to ANYTHING!" Bede then proceeds to punch Sheldon just underneath the rib cage, knocking all the wind out of him and Sheldon fell to the ground. Bede then walks off, leaving Sheldon trying to reclaim his lost breath. Once Sheldon recovers, he gets back up and notices the people still staring at him embarrassed, Sheldon runs off towards home where he knew he would be safe from the staring eyes.

*Time skip*

Sheldon made it home thankful that he didn't run into Bede again considering they would have the pass each other to get to their respective homes. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Sheldon yelled out grabbing the attention of his mom and dad. "Hello sweetie, how was school?" Sheldon recalled the events that happened during and after school. "Well nothing really happened when I was in school, but after school......" Sheldon's dad intervene because he knew what Sheldon was gonna say. "It's Bede isn't it?" Sheldon looks down toward the ground while nodding his head. His father let out a sigh while his mother looked at him with worry in her eyes. "The nerve of that kid, bullying my son just because he doesn't have a physical Cornia." Sheldon's father suddenly smiles. "Well come on Sheldon, It's not good to mope on when your almost able to go on your own journey!" Sheldon's mother then smiles "Yeah Sheldon!" "I mean you should be getting to choose your first Pokemon very soon!" Sheldon finally looks back up and smiles at his parents. "Yeah, you're right! I just gotta keep moving on!" Sheldon's parents smile as they finally got their son to cheer up. 

They all sit down to have dinner and Sheldon tells them he's gonna go for a walk in the woods nearby. "All right sport, just be careful and make sure to be back before 8:00!" "I will dad!" Sheldon then leaves the house and checks his phone. 6:00 "Alright I got 2 hours to clear my head for the test tomorrow." Sheldon then starts running into the woods. Whenever he wants to clear his mind, he tends to go to the woods since no one ever goes there. He makes to over to the river and silently listens to the running water. He lets out a long sigh and begins to think. What if i'm not cut out to become a trainer at all? If I do become one, where would I even begin? I have no one that I can depend on. And I can't even defend myself from anyone because I don't have a Cornia....I'm worthless, my parents probably just keep cheering me up so that I won't become depressed. "s-someone, please help mee!!" Sheldon's eyes snap open and he looks to the left. "Did someone just yell for help?" Sheldon sprints off towards the sound and realizes he's running towards the foot of a waterfall. "Huh? There's no one here.." "Someone, please! Heelp!!"  Sheldon looks up and notices a Pokemon hanging onto a branch near the end of the waterfall...It's an Eevee! After noticing the Pokemon, Sheldon beings to analyze the situation.

The Eevee was hanging on a thin branch that could snap at any minute. The branch was closer to the left side of the waterfall and he'd have to climb a long way up in order to reach the eevee. Without a second to spare, Sheldon grips onto the rocky wall and starts making his way up the side of the waterfall, careful about where he places his foot as to not slip and fall.

The Eevee, struggling to hold on to the branch, notices the boy climbing towards it and starts to have hope, only for that hope to shatter once it heard the branch start to snap.

Sheldon notices the branch is about to snap and he's starting to lose his footing. Oh no! i'm starting to slip and that branch looks like it could snap at any second! I gotta do something, anything! Next thing Sheldon knew, he was in a dark space, with a single star of light in front of him.  Suddenly, a voice spoke out to him. 'Do you seek power?'  "H-huh?!"  'Do you seek power unlike anything ever before?' "If it means I'll be able to save that Eevee then yes!!"  'Reach out towards the star and grab it, and the power shall be yours.' Looking at the star for a second, Sheldon reaches out and grabs it. 

*Meanwhile back at Sheldon's house*

"Nate?" "Yes, Katie?" Sheldon's parents, now known as Nate and Katie, are sitting down at the kitchen table talking about Sheldon. "I'm really worried about Sheldon" "Why's that?" "That Bede has been bullying him ever since 3rd grade, and he's about that age where kids would want to kill themselves." Nate looks at Katie with a smile on his face. "Now Katie, Sheldon would never kill himself." *RING RING* "Huh?" Nate picks up the phone and puts it near his ear. "Hello?" "NATE, It's the doctor! I need you and Katie down here right away! It's about Sheldon!

*Back to Sheldon and the Eevee*

Sheldon felt a surge of power as he slipped and noticed the branch has snapped. As he saw the Eevee plummet towards the water everything went into slow motion for him. He leaped into the air with all that he had and caught the Eevee. He pulled the Eevee to his chest and completely covered it as they crashed right into the water. Sheldon swam upwards towards the surface with the Eevee in his arms and once he broke the surface he started swimming back towards the land.

Once he reached the land he threw himself and Eevee onto the ground so that they could finally breathe. "*Pant* A-are you o-ok?" Sheldon asked the Eevee who was trying to recover from the shock it just received. "Y-y-yeah, I-i'm a-a-alright." The Once they got a hold of themselves they looked at each other and they both let out a sigh. "So, w-whats your name?" Dang it, that stupid stutter is coming back. "C-Crystal" "So are you a girl?" "What boy would have the name crystal" She looks blank at him. "s-sorry it's just that i-i've never seen an Eevee in real life before" "Wait.....did you just understand me?!" "Huh....wait...WHAT?!" Sheldon and Crystal are in disbelief over this new discovery, then all of a sudden, Sheldon started laughing. "Oh man, I never thought I'd meet an Eevee, let alone talk with one! Ha!" Seconds later both Sheldon and Eevee were laughing.

 After calming down, Sheldon began asking questions. "So Crystal, how did you end up on that branch." "Well, I was walking home from school when some weird kid in a purple robe starting chasing me telling i'd make a great Espeon. "But, i'm guessing you don't want to be an Espeon?" Crystal nodded her head and continued talking. "So I kept running and because I wasn't looking where I was going, I fell in the river and caught into a branch. About 5 minutes later, you showed up." Sheldon sighed. "Well it's getting real dark so you'll have to spend the night at my place" "A-alright" And so, Sheldon And Crystal made their way back to Sheldon's house.  

Hey guys, Gold Ninja here and this is my first chapter ever written in the entirety of my existence. Tell my how I did, and if there's anything I need to fix. I'm going to try to get another chapter done either this week, or over the weekend. So stay tuned cause things are just getting started.

I'm Gold Ninja, and I'll see ya'll in the next chapter!

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