Chapter 18

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I was getting ready to meet up with Kelsey and the others for skating,  i never experienced it before but how hard it could be, i can do it i can learn fast.

So after a long shower i put on black tight pants with a brown long sleeves shirt and a black flat shoes, I've straighten my hair and put it in a ponytail with a very light make up.

My mind keeps drifting me to last night, last night was the night i told Nathan that i love him and he felt the same.

But how does that perfect night ended?!!, by him taking another girl to his apartment, i know that we are not together but come on we just said the i love you's , it's a big deal especially to him as he said he haven't said it along time ago.

I'm really pissed at Nathan like to the maximum but tonight i will have fun with the others , No Nathan today, he won't be or i hope he won't come today.

I felt my phone vibrating on the beside table so i picked it up

"Hey Kels"

"Hey Jane.. ready? "


"We are on the cars park come to us"

"On my way", i said as i put my phone in my pocket and closed the room.

I headed down to the park as i saw Tom's car i run to it and Max was standing next to it, he opened the door for me with his perfect smile as i get in the car.

The drive was silent only music coming from the radio and Max teasing Tom when he sings, i really love their relationship with each other they are truly brothers even to Kelsey they treat her as their sister too, i really want to be with them to hang with them, they are very funny and caring.

Tom pulled the car next to a big mall and everybody get out of the car and we began to walk to the mall.

Tom and Max brought shoes for us to skat with , Kelsey and Tom began to skate while Max and Jay taught me how to do it , at first i hold their hands but after fifteen minutes i began to walk by my own.

After what seems like three hours or so we went to the small restaurant in the mall and Jay, Max and Tom went to bring us food.

"I had a very fun time with you guys thank you Kels", i said as i hugged Kelsey, she giggled and pulled away

"It's alright babe , whenever we hang out i will call you", Kelsey said smiling just before the other boys joined us on the table.

"So Jane how you found hanging out with us?", Jay said with his mouth fulled with food

"Just chew your food before openning this fucking mouth", Max said rolling his eyes dramatically which made me giggle

"I find it very interesting you are a very fun to hang out with I'm looking forward to hang more with you ", i said smiling

"Who said we want you to hang with us more?", Max teased

"Oh you broke my heart Max", i teased back and he smiled to me

"So Jane can we ask you a question?", Tom asked which made kelsey glare at him

"Ok....", i said unsure

"What happened between Nathan and you?", Tom said and all the boys and Kelsey looked at me

"It's. ..... complicated. .. i can't tell you .... sorry", i said looking at my feet

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to", Kelsey said to as she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me

"But....he l...", Tom was about to say

"Get over it Tom, he already moved on", Kelsey said glaring to Tom.
Are they talking about Nathan?!!
Oh yes definitely.

As i was thinking of Nathan , i raise my head to see him smirking to me with Kattie holding his hand and walking towards our table

"Speaking of the devil!!!", Kelsey said annoyed

"Hey guys hanging behind my back", Nathan said smirking as he winked to me , i immediately looked down back to me foot, my shoes seems interesting today.

Nathan let Kattie's hand as he came to stand next to me behind Kelsey , he cleared his throat to get her attention

"Move , sit next to Tom i want to sit here", Nathan said or more like ordered Kelsey

"You sit next to your girlfriend", Kelsey replied with glare

"That's what I'm trying to do but you are blocking me", Nathan said in a very harsh tone which made Kelsey sigh and move her chair

"Not anymore", She said under her breath

"Fuck you", Nathan said

"Don't talk to her like this ", Tom warned Nathan , and Nathan rolled his eyes before he grab a chair and sat next to me.

"Hey babe", Nathan said softly as he leaned towards me

"What are you doing?", i said as i felt his hand holding mine under the table

"What do you mean?", Nathan whispered

"This sitting next to me , holding my hand , what do you want?", i whispered

"Babe i want you.... only you .... you are mine", he whispered and oh! This words just melted my heart , my lungs hurts only from my thick breathing .

"Nathan..", was all i managed to say

"Yes love", He replied, is he trying to kill me or something love now really!!!

"We talked last night we can't be together", i whispered to him before looking at the others and everybody is talking with each other

"I know and i told you i will find a solution", he whispered

"And?", i asked

"Kattie will be our cover... i will pretend to be with her in front of everyone. .. but in real I'm with you", Nathan explained

"It's not fair", i mumbled

"Why?", he asked

"Not fair for Kattie or me or even to you", i said and he raised his perfect eyebrow to me

"It's the only way Jane", Nathan said rubbing my hand with his thumb

"No Nathan it's a very bad idea", i said and meaning it , it's a very bad idea we all will get hurt, Kattie first and me second and then Nathan will get hurt too.

"Let's talk in my car", Nathan ordered very mad

"No", i said looking down at my feet

"Jane!", Nathan warned before standing up making everybody watch us

"No", i said again, if i went with him alone he will win me back, he will make his word over mine, alone i will crave him, alone is not a good idea.

"Nathan let her alone", Max warned

"Stay out Max!", Nathan raised his voice

"Just stand Jane", Nathan said very angry

"No Nathan", i said softly as my tear fall to my cheek which Nathan notice and he leaned down to me

"Please Jenny , just come with me i missed your touch... Jenny just come with me please baby", Nathan begged which really broke my heart so bad

Am i going to give up to him that easy!!!, why can't i resist him , why can't i move on without him.

I looked up to him and saw his eyes glowing as there is tears threatening to fall, so i nodded and walked with him out , who am i kidding i can't even resist him after all

I love him.


See i updated hhhhhhhh


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