Chapter 16 - No Brakes

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Yo guys! It's Stormy here. And welcome back to another episode of RWBYK: Tale of the True King! Volume 2 finale coming up and I hope I can still do it justice with my mediocre writing when it comes to fight scenes. :P Anyway, hope you enjoy!


[Down in the Tunnels with Roman]

Ruby was seen getting thrown across the room as she lands on the floor with an "oof!". Roman laughed at her dismay, enjoying himself as he smirked.

"Wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours." Roman taunted as he looked at Ruby. She growled in response as she charged at him, only for him to simply side step, sending her stumbling to the floor. Roman laughs again. "Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this."

Perry merely nodded and gave a thumbs up. Letting out one more chuckle, Roman quickly switched back to his usual frown that he had upon meeting Ruby as he aimed his cane's reticle at her. "But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red? Also, why isn't Blue with you?"

Seeing an opportunity, Ruby growls and uses her Semblance to escape Roman and start running for an exit. "Whoa!" Roman blinks in slight amusement, before clicking his tongue in a joking matter. "Ah-ah-ah... You aren't getting away that easily, Little Red Riding Hood..."

Roman stands up, spun Melodic Cudgel in his hands, and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubled as a grappling hook, at Ruby, catching her by her hood and allowing Roman to pull her back. "...The Big Bad Wolf still has some questions for you."

As Ruby groaned upon reaching Roman's feet, from afar at some of the distant buildings further down the cave, massive explosions could be heard. Nearly popping a blood vessel, he sighs heavily as he turns to Perry. "Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that?! Kinda in the middle of something...!"

As the glasses wearing Faunus nods and begins to turn toward the destination, as he and the group behind him start to travel down, another explosion sets off, making everyone glance over due to this one being louder than the previous.

"WHAT is going on here?!" The villain barks.

A third explosion sounds and multiple White Fang members come running around the corner, some firing at an unknown enemy.

Suddenly one of the members was thrown from the corner and slammed into the wall. "WHERE'S MY GIRLFRIEND, ASS-HATS!?" a voice shouted through the cave, one that made Ruby's heart soar in happiness.

Ky launched out around the corner, slashing his way through the the White Fang members as Aptus, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Zwei and Oobleck suddenly joined him and began to run around the corner, much to Roman's annoyance. Ruby decides to take this moment to try and escape. She jumps on Roman's shoulders, pulls his hat down over his eyes, and then flees towards her friends as she activates her Semblance.

Growling for a second as he readjusted his hat, Roman aims his cane at the duo.

"Somebody kill her!" He orders as Perry and company began to shoot at them, however Ruby skillfully weaves in between the gunfire.

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