Stormwind Harbour

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The waning sunset shone off the surface of the sea in Stormwind Harbour as a grand galleon pulled in. Polished silver accents clung to the edges of the dark-wood deck and the hefty sea-green sails flailed in the evening breeze as they were hoisted down. The noiseless vessel crept to a halt and the gangway, lowered by two burly deckhands, clattered onto the docks. The men, stained with salt-spray and proudly built, bowed low. An azure cape flapped behind the heavy footfalls of a captain's stride. A lady walked in between them, at once angelic and forceful in presence. Her garments were intricately patterned in the colours of the ocean; even the gold detailing of the sun's glow. Two guards from the city approached her and fell to one knee as if pushed by an unseen force. "My Lady" they said, and straightened. Then, perfectly rehearsed, "welcome to Stormwind". She gazed at them from under her elegant hood and projected in an assertive yet velveteen voice, 

"welcome back might be more appropriate." She gave a quick smile and motioned them to stand. "You need not inform the King of my arrival, he already knows I'm coming." With that, the Lady continued down the docks, nodding to acknowledge every salute from every proud guard of Stormwind. Gulls called as they circled above, competing with the cathedral bell. At the top of the harbour steps, she turned to glance at her ship and the empty horizon. She took the time for a deep breath of sea air before entering the city. She wandered alone, noting that much had remained the same - an escort in Stormwind was not necessary. The city was perfectly safe, for the time-being. She was lost in thought when shouts broke her trance, shrill excitable voices yelling 

"Lady Jaina, Lady Jaina!" Two young girls stood by a large puddle bouncing on their feet.

"Well, hello" she answered warmly "and what might you two be doing out so late? It will be dark soon" The two girls exchanged a surprised glance and then looked toward the puddle. One of them, with messy pigtails and a sticky face, spoke up.

"We... We brought water here to make a puddle because we wanted to play on some ice, but... We've asked every mage we've seen and none of them will freeze the puddle. D-do you think -" The Lady was smiling warmly and raised her hand to the puddle. With a flash of blue light, the water became solid ice. The jagged staff on her back glowed a chilling blue as the girls stared in awe.

"Now, make sure you get home before it gets dark - understood?" Still staring, the girls nodded and as Lady Jaina Proudmoore continued her walk to Stormwind Keep, the sounds of children's laughter could be heard. A strange emotion close to sadness lurked in her eyes as she listened.

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