What scary movies do to me

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I can not
I repeat
Can not watch a scary movie
So don't ask me to watch no scary movie with you
Let me tell you bout this time.....

So me and my friends and cousins and my ex went to the movie theater( my ex drove us) to go see the conjuring. I was all excited and shit cuz I was like
It ain't gon be scary Imma watch this movie like a G I ain't gon be scared imm laugh when everybody else screamin.
So we watchin the movie and all of a sudden when the scary lookin ass girl screamin in the closet and the girl open it and the bitch pop out all bloody and fucked up my ass start screamin and I threw my popcorn all over the place and very body lookin at me and I'm sayin sorry and my ex weak as f. So I punch him in the arm.Then later on in the movie when the girl havin this demon goin in her I couldn't help it yall
I started cryin I was scared as fuck and when the dead girl was floating in the water and then shot back down cuz something pulled her down fast I screamed.
Bruh let me tell you after that I swore on my granddaddy teeth I won't bout to go see another scary movie( I swore that when I watched the movie 'saw') but I still did but this time I was serious but then guess what

I went and saw annabell
Lady I almost pissed my pants. Now they won't let me go to the movies with them no more, but hey! I don't blame them
So after I watched the movie I wouldn't go no where by myself
Couldn't go to the bathroom by myself or the kitchen
I had my lil sis sleep in my room for like 3 weeks until I stopped being paranoid that the damn doll was goons be in my bed when I woke up or sittin on my dresser lmao😂😂😂 that was so embarrassing.
Oh and sorry grand pops I wasn't serious when I swore but look at you now
But damn lol😅😂✌️

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