Chapter 2

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Recap: You have been kidnapped by the Sirens and now you have agreed to work with them.

Back to present

Observer Alpha: This way please.

You walk through a set of French doors and see her, the Empress of the Sirens.

Observe Alpha: Hello my Empress.

The Empress III: Good, and has he finally decided to work with us?

Observer Alpha: Yes my Empress.

The Empress III: Hello, I am The Empress III of the Sirens.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I am Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder, the Kaiser's finest man.

The Empress III: So, you have agreed to work with us, no?

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: Yes ma'am. BUT, under one condition.

The Empress III: Which is?

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: When you finish taking over the Earth, you will spare any humans still alive and the Prussian Empire is left intact.

The Empress III: Of course. I might even take any remaining humans as civilians of our empire. As long as they behave and follow the rules.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I suggest you take no more then 100-150 as civilians. Because war is in the blood of most, if not then all of the humanity.

The Empress III: I will think about it.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: Then I believe our deal is done, no?

The Empress III: Well, not really. I have to tell you a few things. The first one is that you will work as a scientist and your objective is to improve our navy, understood?

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: No. If I create new prototypes, then I will need to now their status, advantages, disadvantages, weak spots, and etc. And I believe the best way to do so is to observer the inventions, and see how they perform in combat. Meaning, I will need to test them out on open water. So, I request that I have permission to watch the battles and see how they perform.

The Empress III: Then you have permission to do, but only if at least 2 of my girls can see you. Just in case if you get any ideas to escape.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I understand.

The Empress III: Good. The next one is that in order to develop this creations of yours, you will need my permission to do so.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I understand that rule to.

The Empress III: Excellent. Another rule is that you will listen to whatever I tell you to do.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: And if I have fallen ill?

The Empress III: Then I will give you as much time as you need to recover.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: Okay, but if one of your girls does something to me, for example, they shoot or hit me, then I will attack them. Another thing is that I will be the only one let people in and out. Unless they have clear orders from you, but I will still be in charge of who goes in and out.

The Empress III: I understand you concerns. You have permission to do so.

After she finishes explaining the rules, you spend the next two days preparing designs, plans, and etc. for the lab, with the Empress's permission of course. After 2 months, you have received permission to construct a few ships and improve the current ships the Sirens have.


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