I made the last adjustments to my make-up looking at myself on the little mirror I always have in my purse. I adored the dress I had chosen for the charity event of that night in Carla's mother's vinery. It was a tight long V-neck ruby dress but the thing I liked the most about it was the side-slit that showed part of my leg. Overall, the dress fit perfectly my body, making it look stunning.
I opened the car's door, noticing in front of the building Carla, Polo, Christian, and Lu. Polo approached me, helping me exited the vehicle and carrying me to our friends. I tighten my grip on the fur coat I had on due to the chilly weather.
"Are you two still fighting?" I asked the two girls after greeting them all.
"She's not angry," Carla said with a smirk. "She's just jealous." Lu rolled her eyes at Carla's statement. "Let's go, guys."
"May I?" Christian asked offering me his arm.
"You most certainly may." I giggled liking my arm with his and following Polo and Carla who were ahead of us.
We entered the building, after taking off our jackets we reached the salon in which the party was held. Marina and Guzman were already there.
"You look stunning," I felt a hand sneaking around my waist, spinning me around. I was met with Ander's brown eyes.
"Look at you," I caressed the material of his suit. "I never thought I'd see you with a tux. You look hot." I whispered in his ear.
"You look ravishing but I think you'd look even better without this dress on." His fingertips on my bare skin made me shiver and his words didn't help since we were in a public place.
The night turned out to be extremely boring except for Christian's bold comments and attitude. He was extremely funny, just like a clown or a jester, it became even more interesting as Polo, Christian and Carla ran away from the vinery kissing each other and telling Carla's mother to go to hell: never laughed so hard in my life.
I had been searching for Ander since I arrived at school. After that monotonous night at the Caleruega vinery, he and I left earlier and headed to my house, my parents weren't at home, as usual, so we had the house all to ourselves.
However, that boyfriend of mine had left at my residence his wristband, a masculine bracelet I had bought him for our anniversary. He never took it off, it probably just fell off during the act. It was some sort of lucky charm, especially during his tennis competitions so I kind of felt the duty of returning it to him. After searching in several classes, I remembered that he was probably in the locker room due to his training.
I rushed towards the room, I was about to enter when I was stopped by earing Guzman and Ander's voices.
"Why are you acting so strange? Why are you avoiding us?" I heard Guzman ask, anger in his voice. "Why the fuck are you taking that shit?" I tried to stay calm even if Guzman's loud voice was scaring me.
There was silence and then loud hits against something.
"Ander! Hey, hey! Calm down!" I heard Guzman yelling at his friend.
"Let go of me!" Ander shouted repeatedly. I looked out from the little window at the door. Guzman took into his arms my boy, trying to stop him from hurting himself and his already damaged wrist. He managed to let him sit on one of the benches, he was kneeling in front of him.
"Do you think you're the only one I lie to? I've been lying for years!" Ander yelled at his face full of rage. "I have years of practice!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Ander, the tennis player. It feels like my fucking last name! Well, I don't like it, you know? I don't like it one damn bit!" he placed his head on Guzman's shoulder, sobs leaving his mouth.
I leaned my back on the wall, my hand on my mouth to avoid the sobs dropping from my lips. It hurt me to see him so heartbroken, I felt so responsible, so guilty. He was my boyfriend and I didn't even realize he felt that way, I was just too worried about our story that I became blind.
"You can quit," Guzman replied after a while, probably as shocked by the revelation as I was.
"What about my parents? All the money they have spent. All those years of sacrifice, for nothing." His muffled voice answered, desperate.
I placed my hand above my heart, I couldn't bear that sight.
"Azucena, hey!" I greeted the kind woman as I stepped into her house. "Is Ander home?" I asked.
"Isabella, come!" she opened the door for me. "Yes, he's in his bedroom. Since he almost broke his wrist he doesn't have much to do." she chuckled. I faked a giggled before heading into the familiar bedroom.
I knocked on the wooden door before getting myself him. Ander was sat on his bed, his phone in his hand.
He looked up surprised, he probably didn't expect to see me. "Sweetheart, I wasn't expecting you." he got up from the bed and approached me.
"Surprise!" you giggled slightly before giving him a peck kiss. "No, actually I came because I wanted to talk to you." I took his hand and pulled him to the bed once again, sitting one in front of the other.
"You can tell me anything, what is it?" He took my hands into his. "Hey, Izzy, what's wrong?" he asked more seriously once he noticed I wasn't looking at him in the eyes.
"I heard you," I muttered, scared of starting this conversation. He furrowed his eyebrows not understanding. "In the locker room with Guzman." he widened his eyes when he comprehended.
"Izzy, I was just frustrated and I let it out with him, nothing else." I shook my head at his attempt to reassure me.
"No, I heard you. You-you were so sorrowful, it broke my heart hearing you say those things." my eyes were starting to water. "I just- I wanted to say that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not understanding it before. I'm so stupid-" I put my hands in my hair, not able to form a meaningful sentence.
"No, look at me," he said, lifting my chin so that we made eye contact. "It's not your fault, okay? You made my life better just by being with me, I don't know what I did to deserve you. But this has nothing to do with you, I've been lying about it for years to everyone, I didn't want you to find out." his eyes were dropping tears too now.
"Why didn't you talk to me? We could have sorted this together." I asked desperately.
"I didn't want to disappoint you." his voice was lower and lower. "I didn't want to disappoint the most important person in my life, I didn't want you to think less of me."
Now it was my turn to comfort him. "You'd never disappoint me. I don't care whether you are a tennis player, a baseball player or whether you just lay on the sofa all day." we both chuckled. "What I care about is your well-being, I just want you to be happy," I whispered.
"You make me happy."
It breaks my heart seeing Ander so sad!
Has anyone of you already watched Elite season 3? What do you think about it?
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Fanfikce"Never love someone who treats you like you're ordinary" Oscar Wilde [elite characters x oc]