Break up and some HOT MESS!!

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Principal: let's us welcome our new semesters 2 contestants for president! - Priya Castel and Siddhart Nigam!
They will first give their speech and then all students will be asked to vote... the votes will be counted and our new School President will be announced tomorrow!
Let's go by 'ladies first' shall we! Ms. Castel please come and give your speech!
Priya Castel: Morning people... so to start of my speech I would like to Announce that I am the new girlfriend of the Captain of the soccer team- Faisu! (Huge roars and applauds come in from the school-- everyone cheers except for Sidd, Avu, Riyaz and Jaan-- especially Jaan)( Jaan runs out of the auditorium but no one notices)He's hot and Girls--your boyfriends don't stand a chance against him! So now to get to my campaign-- I will make skirts higher and v cuts deeper-- I will make sure that we have enough freedom to wear WHATEVER we want!!!!
Principal: you can go now Castel! Let us welcome our other contestant Siddhart Nigam!!!

Sidd:To my fellow students, teachers and respected principal! This year I run as president of the council to represent my fellow students and make their voices heard! I would like to start by saying that college is an ideal place to learn! Not flirt!!! We're here to carve our future in education and work! Not marriage... I would like to gain trust because of my talents and not because of who I DATE! So vote for me because of my self capability....(the crowd roars) now getting to my campaign!
I intend to make this years new student council more transparent, more capable and more successful than any ever been! Increase hygiene, neatness and supply softer pillows! More clubs including an addition to indoor and outdoor tournaments and introduction to bake sales! Improvising on the school website to make it more accessible will also give ease to all students and teachers!!
Make your vote count! VOTE FOR CHANGE- Vote for I-Siddhart Nigam! as Student Council President!! (The crowd cheers and this time the teachers clap too)
Principal: thanks you SO MUCH for that wonderful speech Mr. Nigam... now students please vote by writing your name on your chits and adding them to the boxes with the names of the candidates you wanna vote for...after you drop the chit please return to your dormitories ... classes will be dismissed for the rest of the day!
*outside the Auditorium Sidd meets up with Reem*
Reem: (in a very angry tone) why didn't you tell the whole school that you're my boyfriend!!!! Are you ashamed of me or something!!!!!!!
Sidd: wth!!! That was my presidential campaign! Why should I mention that you're my gf!
Reem: to make it official of course!!!
Sidd: look Reem!!! There's no easier way to say this but I-I've lost my feelings for you!!! I wanna break up with you!!
Reem: whatttt! No way!!! That's not possible!!!
Sidd: it's about time you come out of your little bubble of popularity and start living in the real world!!! We're DONE!
Reem: it's OK Sidd! I'm not deeply hurt... besides what did you think you were my only bf! way! I'm dating Yusuf too and he's much hotter than YOU! So I would like to see how you find a gf more eligible than me!
Sidd: I already have! (Walks away)
Reem: ughhhhh! I swear Siddhart Nigam! You will come running back to me begging to be my gf!!! You just wait and watch!!!!!!!!
*sidd goes and finds Avu*
Avu: you did amazing!!!! But I still voted for Castel!
Sidd: WHATTT !
Avu: hahahahha!!!! Lol you should have seen your face just now!!! Obviously I voted for you!
Sidd: oh good...
Sidd: BTW when since is Faisu dating Priya?!
Avu: idk!? I was about to ask you the same thing!!!
Sidd: have you seen Jaan?! Maybe she'll know....
*they see Faisu walking down the corridor with his hands wrapped around Priya... he kisses her and then leaves her with her friends and walks towards them**
(Faisu approaches)
Avu: *lifts her hand and gives him the hardest SLAP YET!!!!** (most people in the entire corridor starts to stare)
Faisu: ouchhh! Are you mad! What was that for?????
Jaan: (her face flooded with tears and her eyes full of them) *walks over to Faisu and gives him another tight slap*
Faisu: WHATTT! Why are you all slapping me!!?
Sidd: Thise were for leaving Jaan! Cheating on her! And on top of that dating that retarded, perverted playgirl
Priya Castel!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Riyaz: you did very bad Faisu! She will never be loyal to you! Or live you! You may not know her well yet but I've known her since 6th grade!
Faisu: SHUT UP!!! Not another word about my gf!!! You're all wrong about her!!! And as for Jaan... we never were together!!! Just cuz we danced together doesn't mean I can never date anyone else!!!!
Sidd: in that case Faisu... you can stay with your new Girlfriend- but you've just lost 4 very true friends!
Faisu: fine! Suit yourselves! (Walks away)
Jaan now continues to cry unstoppably**
Avu and Sidd put their hand through her shoulder to give her support and they all head to her room*

*in Jaan's room*
Sidd: exactly! You don't need him! You are amazing on your own! You can carve your way to success and he'll come running back to you!!
Riyaz: so what if he left you... you know you can reach fame and popularity even without him!
Avu: get up and be the MAN that you are!!!
*at this Jaan looks up at Avu and everyone else started at Avu too*
(Everyone starts to laugh and Jaan can't help but smile)

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