He's Mine!!! And only mine!

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*late in the afternoon after Jaan had regained her consciousness*
*after bunching up the photos based on clubs she heads towards the principals office to hand them in*
Principal: amazing job Jannat! Super proud of  you... now all you have to do if put this into the school magazine and write small articles about it....
I would like you to keep updating this for all events and make a complete magazine for every month...
Jaan: of course ma'am... I would be obliged to! Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Principal: the thanks is to you Jannat... every student in this school should be as hard working and motivated as you... now go get some sleep or else you'll miss you're weekend...
Jaan: yes ma'am... good night!
(Jaan starts to walk back the silent corridors on the way back to her room feeling proud and relieved)
(Suddenly she hears some shuffling coming from the corridor around the corner)
Jaan (in her mind): wait a min! That's PimpleGirl talking to another girl...!
*keeps listening*
Random girl: tomorrow is weekend... any plans?
Pimple Girl: obviously shopping... in gonna buy all sorta clothes!
RG (random girl): boasting about yr rich boyfriend huh!!! Any plans with him though?
PG (pimple girl): yehhh.... it's so cute how he thinks that he's mine and ONLY MINE......but I'm just gonna concentrate on the clothing... I'm gonna get lingerie and designer crop tops!....
Jaan: (in mind) Yuckk! That's gross! Why would anyone wanna wear that thing!
RG: wowww.... looks like u got plans... anyway did you hear about the new guy
at school... name Yusuf?
PG: obviously! I heard he's super hot and sexy! Why else do u need those new clothes....
RG and PG (together in a very high pitched tone): omg! Hahahaha...eeeek!
Jaan: wowwww! She's cheering in him too! (literally barfing in her mouth... and running fast towards her room... but again gets distracted by noises)
*she stops to listen into the corridor*
Jaan (in mind): is that...... Faisu? I wonder what he's doing up here this late with.... ummm- Yusuf?!!!
(Continues to listen)
Faisu: God I love my new gf! She makes me feel so good!
Yusuf: yours is totally a sexy pick! She's so into you!!!!
Faisu: yeh...
Meanwhile elsewhere!
Sidd: so... what do you wanna do?
Avu: do you wanna watch a movie??
Sidd: ummm... (flashback of what happened the last time with Anabelle)
Avu: perrrfect! Now that I think abt we never even finished watching Anabelle! Let's finish that...! (Before Sidd can say anything Avu takes a pen drive out of her pocket and inserts it into the laptop...)
Sidd: (what the hell kinda girl is this...! Who carries s pen drive with the movie Anabelle Creations around in their pockets?) (so Ajeeb sa!)
(Both of them lie down on the bed next to each other with the laptop in front of them and Avu presses play from the part they were at)
*(in the movie) its afternoon and the little non possessed girl is sitting with the man on the chairs and talking... (suspicions background music plays and sid clossss his eyes and the music gets louder and then suddenly quiet)*
*Sidd opens his eyes in curiosity ....(movie) and the room is black with the man sitting in the table with a Christianity cross... and across from the table to him is the doll... and the thing happens to the man's hands...
[Author: I'm SO sorry! I can't do it... I can't write what happens in the movie, cuz I'm like Sid here while I'm watching a horror movie and it haunts me for days... so guess you guys should watch the movie to find out what happened in the movie....but now back to the story 😥😭]
The thing happens to the man's hands...
Sidd: Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! OMg.... how the hell do you watch this stuff Avu!!!...
Avu: nothing even happened yet!!!!
Sidd: WTH!!! That's it I'm not watching the rest! Let's go to sleep! You watch the rest later! On your own!
Avu: Awwww! You look so cute when you're scared!
Sidd: ugh! Fine whatever... now let's go to sleep... plz!
Avu: fine... for you! I'll watch with Jaan later though! And you just keep missing out!
Sidd: I would love to! (Closes the computer and sleeps in)
(Sidd twists and turns in his bed unable to sleep... he looks at Avu sleeping peacefully beside him and cringes! *kitne ajeeb ladki Jai yeh!* the bed just gets warmer and sweat starts to flow from his forehead.... he stares at the shadows forming on the wall by the bits of light that enter from the curtains)
(He keeps twisting and turning for few more minutiae and then stays very still... suddenly he hears a muffling sound)
Sidd: Avu? Wake up! AVu!! AVU!!!! AVNEEET KAUR HELP ME!!!! It's coming to get me!!! I'm gonna die!!! We're all gonna die!!! AVNEET!!!!!!!
[Author: in writing this with so much experience... this is SO me!!! ... who else is like me after watching a horror film😂😂😂???]
Avu (wakes up a 9.5 seismic earthquake brought by Sidd hits her) : what is it you frickin idiot!!!!
Sidd: I'm sorry.... I can't sleep! Help?
Avu: (sees the cold sweat on him) go wash your face... you're drenched in sweat!
Sidd: b-but the corridor is too dark!
Avu: ughhh! Fine I'll go with you!
(Avu holds Sidd's hand and escorted him to the wash basin where he washes his face and wipes up.... then she takes him back and they both lay back down)
(Avu instantly closes her eyes)
2 mins later------
Sidd: AVNEET!!!!
Avu (gets up in a shock) : WHATT? Is the building falling over?
Sidd: no... but it's just as bad!
Avu: bad dreams again?
Sidd: ya!
(Avu puts her hand around him and steadies his breaths... he starts to drift off into sleep and Avu drifts off too)
Jaan walks into their room in search of a place to barf at...
(She sees them sleeping with their faces millimeters away from each other and Avu's hand around Sidd)
(The sick feeling suddenly disappears and a tear drops down her eyes... not sure whether it's a tear of sadness of happiness or sadness... she wipes it off and walks out of their room and closes their door as quietly as she could... and walks towards her room)
Jaan (in her room): *sighs* They're so perfect together... I would do anything to find someone that would treat me like they treat each other... (a few tears roll down her eyes but she wipes them away, takes a deep breath... then she changes her clothes and goes to bed...)

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