Chapter 1: Child Prodigy 👸

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" Ms.Lyons!!"
"Ms. Lyons! Can I get an interview?!"
"Ms. Lyons! What does your father think about you graduating high school?"
I finally got into my house. The gates closing behind me. I am very often called a child prodigy for business, I personally don't think I am. I am 19 years old and I've created the largest chain of companies in the world. I guess you could say my reign started when I was 4: my mother had just passed away and my dad brought me to work every day from then on cause I was a bit of a trouble maker in my pre-K. By the time I was 9 I had already surpassed the largest number of Comanche in a chain. At 19 I have thousands of companies across the world. I did all this while still getting straight A's all throughout high school, So I wouldn't say graduating is such a big deal anymore. My dad and stepmom are "retired" in a vacation home in California while me and my siblings take care of my companies. My mother had 3 boys and 1 girl before having me and then dying after that dad remarried when I was 8 and she had triplets of 2 boys and 1 girl and she also had a older son after that thay had 2 sets of twins and then they decided they had enough.
I'm a Harvard student, Online, of course, I went to earn my degree not that it would make such a big difference anyway. I have too much to do with the company and my family to go to the actual classes although I do have a few friends that do go to the classes. It's nice having friends that aren't at my beck and call although they certainly are useful. I go inside my house, do some paperwork, watch one of my classes, and spend the rest of the day binge-watching pretty little liars on Netflix and fell asleep while it was still on.

                          THE NEXT DAY
I wake up and one of the maids must have turned off the TV. Since it's Friday I have family dinner to go to. We all go to California to their vacation home. I'm one of the closest to them, of course my siblings in Europe, Russia, China, etc. are probably already on a plane there since they have a much longer flight then I do. I have 2 companies in Cali so one of my brothers handle that for me. Of course, I handle all of them but instead of going over there and dealing with all their problems instead I just tell them what to do to solve them. That obviously damages our relationship as siblings but they do their job, I do mine.
I woke at 7:30 and am now ready at 9. I go outside and instead of just driving myself like usual my driver picks me up in my limo.
I get on and he drives me to my personal airport. I get on my plane and doze off until the pilot wakes me up to tell me we're here. I get in my rental car and drive to the vacation home, I ring the doorbell and my stepmom, Isabel, opens the door
" Brooke! It's so good to see you, your dad thought you might not be able to make it"
" No I'm here"
I go in and hug her and go in and hug John and the rest of my siblings that are there. By 5:30 we were all here. Owen, Elliot, Evelyn, Avery, and Jon were already here since Jon handles the companies here in California. Jacob, Josh, and Jess are in boarding school they got here a little after I did then the rest got here. We're all sitting in the living room waiting.
" So, Brooke how's life in New York City?" Noah says
" great," I say
" Really? Great, I'm glad you're having fun" he scoffs
" Noah, cut it out!" Jon says
" Johnny Boy didn't notice you there, hello... Stepbrother"
" Noah watch your mouth!" Jeff says
" No! You B*tch" Noah says to me
I just continue watching with indifference laid back on the couch
" What's this all about anyway?!" Trixie says
" She f*cking fired me!" Noah says
Trixie looks at me confused, I sigh
" You hit a client, she had to!" Jeff says before I could say anything
" I said I was sorry, he was an asshole, here I thought this was a 'Family Company' " Noah screams at me.
"Enough! It's not a f*cking family business, It's my business. You get to travel around and earn a shot ton of money because of me, I worked my f*cking ass off since I was 4 years old! 4 years old Noah!! So you're not going to come at le saying I had no right to fire you cause I had every f*cking right! You all chose where you all wanted to work and I know some of y'all got your second choice but I did my best to make you guys happy, so don't come to me complaining how your f*cking bitch ass got fired by me cause you almost beat up your client! It was your responsibility yet I got him to not press charges, I was the one that paid bail, I was the one that got the gig to not kill you!!" I walk away and go up to my room leaving the living room silent.
Someone knocks and Trixie comes in
" You ok? I'm sorry you know how Noah is" she says
" I know, I knew he was gonna throw a tantrum, but I lost control"
" Yeah, you went all psycho on him" we laugh
" Btw, you look a bit pale there, Trix"
" Bitch, you know I like the cold, that's why I'm over there instead of somewhere beachy"
" I do miss you though," I say
" Yeah well you're the one that wanted the HQ to be in New York"
" well yeah it's New York City, it's awesome to be the most powerful businesswoman in New York"
" You're the most powerful businesswoman in the whole country probably the whole damn world and you've been or since you were 9"
I smile at her and come down when Mom tells us to come down for dinner, during dinner dad tells me he needs to talk to me about something so after dinner, I go to his office to find Jeff, Trixie, Sean, Jon, and Noah there too
" What's going on dad?"
" Brooke I'm sure you know that the Queen of Scotland is looking to marry off her daughter"
" Yeah I know, I always keep in touch with what's happening since I'm thinking about putting one of my companies there"
" well, she contacted me and asked me to plan a meeting with you this weekend"
" ok sure When & Where?"
" Her castle tmr at 3"
" I can do that ill head put now" I go towards the door
" Brooke?"
" Yeah"
" Take Trix with you"
" Trix? Can you?" I ask
" yeah I have Tom handling things for me"
" ok great let's go" we go out the door, pack, and head out to Scotland at 1 am. We arrive at 11 am. The next day I and Trix get ready and head towards the palace after a nap.
There the guards let us in and take us towards the throne room there Trixie and I curtsy to the Queen and then she escorts us to a room with no one in it except us 3 and a knight.
We sit down
" Your highness, What did you bring me here for?"
" Straightforward, I like it. To put it simply I want you to marry my daughter"
Excuse me?!!!
On the inside I was processing but on the outside I appeared completely calm
" You're straightforward as well, Explain"
" You see Reece and Jackson are already married, Leon and Simon have several options but with Claire it's been particularly hard"
"May I ask why?"
" She likes girls and that is completely fine with me in fact we've had two females as Queens before. The problem is other Nobel families don't let their daughters come out"
" Well I'm sure she has plenty of make suitors"
" Definitely," the queen says
" why me?"
" well I wanted to marry her off to someone normal, at least to royal standards, yet powerful"
" um... Your Highness, Sorry to burst your bubble but I am very far from normal"
" Oh I know, but you're the closest thing to normal a royal can marry, even though I'm sure you're probably more powerful and rich than a lot of our nobles"
" Does she know about this?" I ask
" We will tell her together," she says
" Are you scared of Princess Claire?" I ask trying not to laugh at the Queens irregular behavior
" Yes"

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