Chapter 6: " Oh God No!"

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Brooke's POV

Claire and I decide to stay in Scotland until I'm done with the companies here. It's morning but I have work to do you so I wake up with a really focused mindset. I get dressed, grab my computer, and go downstairs. I sit on the counter, asked for coffee, and start working. I already picked out the two pieces of land for the two buildings, the problem is one of them has a farm on it I can take care of that easily though I'll pay them a visit at three that gives me plenty of time to plan everything. I call my own construction company and tell them to start getting the supplies and tools ready to start working this week once I gave the call. I also called for blueprints and the guy is an old friend of mine so he'll get those done today. In the building for our court will take a bit longer because of the farm but since I was a power needs Power plants and stuff they might be finished at the same time.
"Brooke! " Fuck I jump to that

"what the fu- oh hey darling and Sabrina" I say

" you've been there since 9 are you ok?" Claire asks me

" of course I was just working"

" Well rest a little it's 2:30" Claire says

" Thanks darling, really but I do this all the time trust me" I say

" Need help?" Sabrina asks

" Nope all finished, here are the lands I'll take care of the farm and I got everything set up" she nods

" Great good job Brooke" I nod and look at my watch

" I gotta run"

" Why?" Claire asks

" Im going to the farm and talk to them"

" Can i come?" Claire asks

" of course"

" Hey i wanna come too" I give her a look

" yeah yeah I know I'm the Queen" I heard towards the form and when we get there we need an elderly woman with light brown eyes and white hair strands of brown in it.

"Hello my name is Brooke lions "

"I know who you are, I know who you both are "

" Ok then" I say

" i'm gonna be straight with you I want to buy your farm land"

" you're gonna destroy the farm aren't you?"

" i'd be lying to you if I said no so yes but if I'm gonna be completely honest with you I'm gonna build a company building for L Corp, have you ever heard of it?"

" I have it's a good company it'll do us good right now"

" Look maam name your price I'll get it"

" 50 Million"

" Ooh" I laugh " Blunt and Feisty apparently" this made the old woman laugh

" Sure I'll give it to you there is a time limit though you have 3 days or you'll get caught in the construction is that enough time?" The old woman nods and I say goodbye to her and her son that was by the edge of the cabin door listening

" You were much nicer" said Claire once we were heading towards the car

" I like old people plus if I went all business titan id become one of the people these kinds of people hate the most bastard businessmen" Claire nods

" Claire?"

" Yeah?"

" You're not sleeping well"

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