One-Shot #4- Mistle-no

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"Kan, what's that thing you have there hanging over the horn pile?" Eridan asked.

"Oh, that's called mistletoe," she said. "If you and someone else end up standing under it together, then you have to kiss. Rose told me about it."

"Oh. I see," he said. "Thanks, Kan." He ran off.

Within five minutes, Eridan was back downstairs, standing under the mistletoe, wearing his best cape and holding a bucket. When he saw Sollux passing by, he saw his chance coming.

"Oh Sol!" He called. "Can you come here for a second?" He laughed.

"Not while you're holding that bucket," he said, walking past. Eridan sighed and waited for someone else to pass by.

"Kar!" He called as Karkat came by. "Come here for a sec?"

"No," Karkat grumbled, and left the room.

Eridan sighed. Last resorts were not something he was all that for. But when he saw Nepeta and Equius coming into the room, he decided enough was enough.

"Um, Nep? Eq? Could ya just come here for a sec?" he asked shyly.

"Sorry Eridan," Nepeta said. "My heart goes out to only Karkitty!"

"Ampora, Kanaya told everyone about the mistletoe," Equius told him. "We're not going to fall for your desperate tricks."

Eridan gushed purple. Everyone knew? He felt himself getting light-headed, and then everything went dark.

When he woke up, everyone was standing over him. "Eridan, thank gog you're okay!" Feferi said, who was holding him.

"What happened?" He asked groggily.

"You pathed out, and everyone thought you were dead," Sollux replied.

"And so Feferi non-corpse-smooched you, thinking it would revive you," Karkat added.

"Wait, Fef, you kissed me?" Eridan said.

"In a way, yes," She replied. Eridan shot up like a rocket.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Take that, Captor!" Then he ran out into the snow, not even taking a coat.

"Okay, help a blind girl out here," Terezi said. "Did Eridan just pass out, get kissed, and run outside with no coat on?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Karkat replied, still in disbelief.

"Okay then, who wants some hot cocoa?" John shrugged. They all agreed and headed into the kitchen.

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