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Bradley Holt and Liam all came to the cafe after school. Bradley didn;t think hed gert to see his princess in a dress again but he remembered that he worked at the cosplay cafe so he would be able to see his angel again. Hplt was happy to see melody again but it was clear she wasn't as happy to see him.

"You could jsyt talk to him you know," Max said as he waljed out of kitchen,

"I could but I dont want to. Not unless bradley and you are going to be together again."

"He asked if he could be my boyfriend today, and i told him no. I think I'm going to give up the little lifestyle for good and I dont want to hold him back by being only half of what he wants."

"Wait what?" she shouted and everyone in the cafe turned to loom at her. "Why would you do that?"

Mx tapped her nose. "It's impolite to yell in a crowded restaurant, little girl."

"I'm technically older than you."

"Yeah but fifteen minutes."

"Still older."

"Who cares?" Max walked over to grab water for everyone at Max's table and take theor orders. "I'm trying, Holt. its going to take some time. Just be patient with her."

"Thanks for your help max."

"Anything to see her happy."

Max walked back to the counter and melody said "Mom and dad have been askign about you." Max didn;t know what to say. "They want to lnow if you're doing okay."

"I'm fine. It's weird because I still think they're just going to come home and sit in their usual chairs but they don't. It's just me now."

"You dont have to worry about growing up that quickly," Melody said. "If you had a daddy you could be little again."

"I think this proves that I'm supposed to grow up instead. I live alone and theres nothing I can do about it. I have to take care of myself and be okay. I can't do that f I'm little."

"At least think about it some more before you give on it forever."

"I ve been thinking about ot for over two years. I may be a little, but it's not good for me to be one anymore. I need to grow up. Its for the best."

Max walked into the back and melody ran over to the table Bradley and hs friends wrre at. She grabbed his hands and he stared at her in shock. "Please dont give up on max," she said. "I know he's going through something right now byt I know you're what he needs. Promise me youll be there for him."

"Is he in danger? Is in trouble?"

"Not really. Just himself."

Bradley looked to the kitchen where he saw Max putting everything on a tray. "I will take care of my princess forever."

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