Silly - Milly

46 12 16

Me and my lil sis Taehyung_myOppa  loves to annoy our mom. 😁😂

I think a day before yesterday I called mom and she answered as mom was busy on other phone.

As soon as she finished talking she asked her,

Mom: who has called??

Sis: *still on the line and answers to her* umm my boyfriend .
*To me * Hii baby, what are you doing.

Me:* while laughing plays along with her * hii babe  I am doing nothing.

Sis: *to me* aww my baby is doing nothing.

Me: *laughing out loud while rolling on the floor* XD

We had the guest comming after few hours so she told her to hang up and asked to help her.

Before hanging up,

Sis: *to me* Byee Baby ❤️.

Me:  byee baby . Love you ❤️❤️

Hangs up.


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