Come On

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After my shower, I headed down stairs to find my mom in the kitchen working on a dinner roast. I hugged her from the side so I wouldn't disturb her work space.

She eyed me like she was waiting for me to say something. I gave her the same lines as I gave my dad without skipping a beat. She nodded her head and made the occasional grunt. I made sure to add in extra details, my mother always said the Devil was in the details, and she was one for gossip.

By the time I was done I'd taken a seat at our kitchen table. "Well", she said, "I have half a mind to speak to both boys parents. Behavior like that, I can't imagine letting either boy out of the house again. If that was you fighting on the television, we'd have to move".

I knew she wanted what was best for me so I just smiled. "Think of it like this", I countered, "Leo and Kenickie care about me so much that they're willing to have a brawl over a silly disagreement. It's hard to find friends like that. Plus if it makes you feel better, I'll have both boys get together and talk out their feelings".

I couldn't imagine them ever doing that, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that's exactly what they needed. I'm sure I could trick them into it. Neither boy has an over abundance of brain cells.

My mom thought deeply about what I'd said. "Alright I suppose that's true. I do feel safer knowing that you're around a strong man who can protect you", she agreed.

I bit my tongue. I didn't need a man to protect me, but that was a battle for another day.

She flicked her spoon at me, "but I will be meeting both boys.  Together or separate, I don't mind. Parents need to meet their children's friends. That's just one American ideal I can't get behind.  You shouldn't trust a child to make the right decision, they don't even know who they are yet. Parents here are far to lenient. It's decided then, all the friends you strut around with will have to meet your father and I first".

She set her spoon firmly back into a bowl, meaning her word was final.  And if I tried sneaking around, all my mother would have to do was walk across the street and ask who I'd left with. I'm sure all the nosy wives wouldn't mind giving me up.

"I'm going to go talk to Sandy", I said scooting out of my chair and heading upstairs. I found her sitting at her vanity, putting on a cream.

Our eyes met through the reflection of her mirror and we both smiled. "Cynthia", she squealed. "Tell me everything".

I snorted, my mind flashing back to Kenickies bed. I shut the door quietly and flew to Sandy's bed. "Well", I started, figuring out where to start, "you saw Leo and Kenickie fight..."

She spun around dramatically. "I saw you kissing Leo and then fists flying", she corrected.

I flung my hand to my face, embarrassed that my little sister saw me kiss someone. "Ugh don't remind me. He only kissed me because he was trying to make Cha Cha jealous. We're just friends. Although the kiss wasn't planned and I'm definitely mad at him for that, I think I'm the one who needs to apologize", I solemnly said.

Sandy scoffed, "I know some girls who think they're soul purpose is to please a guy, but that's not you. You should be more mad".

I shrugged, "well I was in the moment, but I've reflected. If he asked, I would've said yes anyways. It's no harm done. But moving on... I chased both boys outside. They were screaming at each other-"

Sandy interrupted. "No surprise there".

Before she could cut me off again, I continued. For the first time today, my story was entirely truthful. I had silently debated telling her about loosing my virginity, but I figured it was ok.

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