9) Platform 9 3/4

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The next morning Tom woke us up with a cup of tea for Harry and some coffee for me, like usual. Luke was off at work, so I knew I wouldn't see him. We had said our goodbyes last night.

Harry was trying to coax Hedwig into her cage while I pulled my backpack over me shoulders. Suddenly, Ron burst into the room, pulling a sweatshirt over his head.

"The sooner we get on the train, the better," Ron said. "At least I can get away from Perry at Hogwarts. Now he's accusing me of dripping tea on his photo of Penelope Clearwater. You know," he grimaced, "his girlfriend. She's hidden her face under the frame because her nose has gone all blotchy..."

"I've got something to tell you," Harry started, but couldn't say anything because Fred and George had come in to congratulate Ron on pissing Perry off again.

We went downstairs for breakfast. Mr. Weasley was frowning at the copy of the Daily Prophet and Mrs. Weasley was telling Hermione and Ginny about a love potion she had made during her time at Hogwarts. They were all very giggly.

"What were you saying?" Ron asked Harry as we sat down.

"Later," Harry muttered as Perry stomped in.


It was chaotic as we were leaving. People struggled to heave their trunks down the stairs, Hedwig and Hermes, Perry's owl, screeched every time a trunk would be placed near them. Crookshanks hissed from his basket constantly.

"It's all right, Crookshanks," Hermione cooed. "I'll let you out on the train."

"You won't," Ron snapped. "What about poor Scabbers, eh?"

He pointed at a lump in his sweatshirt pocket, where Scabbers was curled up.

Mr. Weasley, who had been waiting for the Ministry cars to arrive, poked his head through the door, "They're here. Harry, come on."

Mr. Weasley marched Harry out of the Leaky Cauldron and into the back of a plain green car.  He soon got Ron, Hermione, Perry, and me into the back. Thankfully, I did not have to sit next to Perry, though Ron did, much to his annoyance.

The ride was bland, and we arrived at King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare. The car's quickly drove away.

I walked straight through the barrier, ignoring Mr. Weasley saying we should go in as pairs.

I smiled at the Hogwarts Express. The scarlet steam engine would always have a place in my heart.

Harry and Mr. Weasley came out of the barrier soon after me, and I took my spot beside Harry. A moment later, Perry and Ginny came out of the wall breathing heavily, having gone through the barrier at a run.

"Ah, there's Penelope!" Perry turned pink and flattened his hair.

I snickered as he walked over to a Ravenclaw with long, curly hair, puffing his chest out so she would see the freshly polished Head Boy badge he wore. I laughed harder when I remembered that it said Bighead Boy.

Soon enough everyone joined us on this side of the platform, and we made our way towards the end of the train, past the packed compartments, and into one that looked empty. We loaded their trunks into the train, stashed Hedwig and Crookshanks in an overhead compartment, then went back to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley kissed each of us on the forehead. It was quite nice, and reminded me of my own mother. Then she gave us all a hug.

Then she handed us sandwiches. I smiled at mine. She'd remembered how I liked mine.

"Harry," Mr. Weasley said quietly, and I turned to look at him, "come over here for a moment." He pulled Harry away from the rest of us, and I knew by the anxious expression on Mr. Weasley's face that they were talking about Sirius Black. I was a little surprised at the softness on Harry's face when he responded.

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley called as she herded us towards the train. "Arthur, what are you doing? It's about to go!"

"He's coming, Molly!" Mr. Weasley shouted. I climbed onto the train with Ron and Hermione.

"Arthur, quickly!" Mrs. Weasley cried as the guards began slamming the train doors shut.

The train had started moving by the time Harry came running towards it, and Ron had to pull the door open for him. We closed the door then leaned out of a window, waving at Mr and Mrs. Weasley.

"I need to talk to you in private," Harry muttered to us as we rounded a corner and began to pick up speed.

"Go away, Ginny," Ron said.

"Oh, that's nice," Ginny huffed, but left anyway.

We started down the corridor, searching for an empty compartment, but the only one that wasn't full was occupied by an adult sleeping against the window. I hadn't seen any adults on the Hogwarts Express, save for the lady who sold us candy.

The man wore shabby wizarding robes, and looked a little sick. He was clearly young, but his brown hair had flecks of gray in it.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asked quietly as we sat as far as possible from the window.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione whispered.

"How d'you know that?"

"Hermione knows everything, Ron."

"Thank you, Percy, but it's on his case," she pointed at the luggage rack above his head, and I assumed the letters on the ragged thing's corner said Professor R. J. Lupin.

"Wonder what he teaches," Ron frowned at Lupin's pale face.

"That's obvious," Hermione whispered. "There's only one vacancy, isn't there? Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I could remember the last two teachers we've had. Both were terrible. Rumors were going around that the job is jinxed.

"Well, I hope he's up to it," Ron said. "He looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn't he? Anyway..." he turned to Harry. "What were you going to tell us?"

So, uh... I got some bad news a couple of weeks ago. Really bad. I've been debating on whether or not to talk about this because, well, part of its secret and I swore not to say. But writing this down and all that jazz seems to help me out. I mentioned my mom's boyfriend before, and how he threatened to beat up my eleven year old sister. Well, he did something really bad to Emblem. It didn't go too far, but it's bad. And... I've been angry few times in my life. There was my mom's first boyfriend, who locked Kadee in a closet. I was mad at him. Then I was a bit mad when my mom's not boyfriend threatened Kadee. I was mad once I got the news of how Haley died and heard about the person who I knew was raped. Then I'm mad about this. This is horrible. It's bad. And he will burn in fucking Hell for this. I've been mad four times before. Today makes five. And we can't bring it up to the police, because he'll snitch on my mom and sister. They smoke weed, which isn't really a terrible thing. They're both adults. But it is illegal. But I guess I'm also mad at Mom. I'm not sure. She used to do drugs. It led to a lot of and stuff I haven't gotten over today, and it's been years. She swore to never do drugs again. She's relapsed. And I... I don't know if I could deal with her again if all that happened before happened now. I'm not sure Id even be willing to pretend to care. But while I know weed isn't terrible, it is under her circumstances. It's like how having one beer isn't bad, but breaking your sobriety after beating alcoholism is. I just... I'm kind of tired.

I hope you guys have a good day, I love you, and I'll see you on Saturday.

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