Chapter 15

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After a quick reunion and an extensive explanation, Rose looked at Travis confused.

"What did you do to revive me?" Rose asked.

Travis looked up from his task. He was trying to pick the lock on a door. Jessie assumed it was an exit, but wasn't really in the mood to ask questions. He decided to leave that to Rose.

"I phased my hand through your chest and pumped your heart with it. I saw it once in a show you showed me." Travis said as he fiddled with the lock.

"You remembered that?" Rose asked surprised.

"I remember everything you tell me, Rose." Travis said as he picked the lock.

Jessie recalled his conversation with Travis after he saved Rose. long have you kept this to yourself. Rose...Does she know? Do I tell her? Travis is under a lot of stress I don't want to add more.

Laughing behind them broke the silence, Jessie turned to see Lily making shapes with her limbs and trying to make Mia laugh. Mia looked tired but refused to take another nap.

Well, she is an older kid, I can't blame her for not wanting to take another one. She does seem to like Lily and Rose a lot.

Jessie studied the room they were in seeing all the old walls and light fixtures. They were in a hallway behind the cell room, they had left Micheal behind.

"Okay, I think I got it." Travis said excitedly. He pulled on the lock and was met with resistance. He did not have it.

"Here let me try." Jessie said as he walked towards the door.

"Are you sure this is the way out Travis?" Rose asked.

"I'm not sure of anything down here, so much has happened and we are still no closer to a solution." Travis said as he watched Jessie grab the lock.

Jessie wrapped his fingers around the small lock and pulled. It tore with ease.

"How did you do that?" Rose asked.

"Travis and I discovered we are getting stronger. We are still changing Rose." Jessie said.

"That or the lock was really old and you just happen to be a Goliath." Travis said as he picked up the rusty lock. "Thought that's doubtful considering how skinny you are."

Travis walked through the door holding it open for everyone else. Rose giggled and walked after him.

"I'm not that skinny." Jessie said meekly as he passed through the doorway, followed shortly by Mia and Lily.

Jessie looked down the pathway to see they were in a clean white hallway. The lights were on, and they were doors on both sides lining the entire hallway. There was a door at the far end.

As they walked down the hallway Rose pulled next to Jessie.

"What do you mean we are still changing? Are we gonna fly or something?" Rose asked looking at the doors as they passed.

"I don't know Travis is the one with the knowledge. All I know is I can do more than before, and it's dangerous." Jessie said as he saw a plaque on the wall.

Clancy Baker: Chief Psychologist

"Hey Travis, is this important." Jessie asked pointing at the door the plaque was on.

Travis turned and saw the door. He inspected the plaque and tried the handle. It was locked.

"I can do this one guys." Rose said as she cracked her knuckles.

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