The rift ( chapter 1)

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Drift's POV.

When I wake up I get a text from my gf and it says " hey Drift we have to break up sorry"    
"well" I say I head down stairs and get dressed I get in my ATK and head too the dessert.

Brite's POV.

When I wake up I hear a ATK and I know to get dressed I go down stairs to see cuddle and rex ready for the road trip.

Drift's POV.

I see a burger In the dissent so go to it.


It's bloody massive around 10 feet tall it has a flat tongue so I spray my kitsune mask on it then I hear a sound then the berger, my ATK it all faders alway.

Brite's POV.

Me, Rex and Cuddel hear the Rift spit the durr burger and a boy out I yell "guys let's catch it out" so Rex go's to the site.

Drifts POV.

I see three people driving to me I hide behind the burger one shots "who are you? " I replie "Drift" I look at them in my mind I think "one is wearing a pink bear costume the other Is wearing a t-rex costume and the last is a girl with pink hair and she's cute.

The Rift In Time (Drift x Brite)Where stories live. Discover now