Chapter 12

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Irene tossing on her bed as she keeps contacting Seulgi but he's not respond. He not answered her calls and texts. She know Seulgi is pissed because of the situation earlier. He not enjoy the family dinner and not talking unless they asking him. She noticed everything about Seulgi from the very start

She try to call him for 50th time and finally he answer the call


"...." Seulgi not answering

"Bear, where are you? Why you not answering me? I'm worry here" Irene said softly

"Upstairs" that all Seulgi said before he hang up the call

After that, Irene immediately go to the rooftop. She found Seulgi stand back facing the door. He shoved his hand in his pocket. Irene slowly walk towards him then circle her arms around Seulgi torso. She rest her head against his back. Seulgi taken aback by her action

"What's wrong?" Irene asked tenderly

"Nothing" Seulgi said coldly

"You're angry, isn't it?"

Seulgi just snort but he not saying anything

"Please talk if you're not angry"

Seulgi take deep breathe then he release himself from the embrace and facing Irene "Do you expect me to be happy when you let Kim Minseok holding you as he please?"

"I not let him..." Irene unable to finish when Seulgi cut her off

"Then why you not push him away when he pulled you closer? You enjoy it in his embrace. You even stare at him like you like him so much. What is that mean?" Seulgi voice rise off then he chuckle bitterly "Now I understand why you never answering me when I say I love you. You still wait for him. I know he's the one that close to you before me. I just nothing compare to him" he said angrily and balled his fist. He really want to punch someone right now

Irene just stares at Seulgi and she let him say whatever he thinks in his mind. She not bothered to stop him spilling his thought

"Is that what you think about me?" Irene speak after few minutes silent

"What else you want me to think after witnessing with my own eyes? You're happy when they said both of you look good together!"

Irene chuckle then she hugging Seulgi again tighter than before

"Why do you hug me?" Seulgi try to push Irene away

"Please stay still" Irene said sternly and Seulgi stop moving "Now shouts all you want. Yell right on my ear so that I can hear you clearly. You promised that you will never shout at me anymore but now what happen? Do you stop loving me? Where is my soft Seulgi? Kang Seulgi that is always calm whenever I annoyed him. Why I think now I don't recognize you? Is this Kim Seulgi that I never know?" Irene can feel that Seulgi softened in her embrace and she embracing him comfortably

She talk again after she calm down "I know Seul, you're disappointed and you're pissed off because of scene earlier. I'm ready to face your rage. To answer the worries in your mind because you're not around that time, I tell them that I seeing someone right now even I can't tell them that person is you, their very own child. They accept it open-mindedly. I never have intention to betray your love. I just wait for the right time to confess. If I don't love you, I will not agree to date you. We secretly dating and it's really risky but both of us should trust each other. I trust you that you will keep our love secure. I never think that you will cheat on me. Please, trust me"

Seulgi return the hug then he kissed Irene head "I'm sorry because I misjudge you. I'm really sorry. I'm worry that I will lost you. I don't want anyone take you away from me. The thought of losing you fear me the most"


"Emm" Seulgi stroking Irene hair

"Today I much I really love you...for the first time" Irene confess

"I love you too" Seulgi buried his face on Irene hair

"Now we're officially dating" Irene said

They break their hug "I see you as my girlfriend since I tell you that I court you" Seulgi smirk

"Yaa you..." Irene pinch Seulgi arm

"Baby, that's hurt"

Irene blushing when Suelgi call her baby "Yah, why do you blushing?" Seulgi lift Irene face up


Seulgi laughed then he cupped Irene face "I'm sorry again for the fuss. I not promise that our relationship will out of problem but I promise that I will to the best for our relationship. Please always stay by my side even when I break you, make you mad and push you with my bad temper. I want to be the only one who has you even we're on big fight. Please, always stay by my side in every up and down"

"I promise you that nothing can take me away from you even no one knows that I belong to you. I will forever be yours" both of them stare at each other lovingly

Seulgi slowly lean in and kissed Irene on lips


Irene reading novel in her room since it is still early to sleep. When she is focus on reading her novel, someone knocking the door. She check the clock on her bedside table and it is 10:45 PM. Usually, everyone are inside their room that time

"Who coming at this time?" she mumbling and lazily walk to the door

She unlock the door and open it just to ambush by Seulgi who grin like idiot then he locked the door

"Yah, what are you doing here?" Irene followed Seulgi to her bed and Seulgi make it like his own room

"I miss you"

"You can just call me and no need to come. What if someone catch you?" Irene start nagging

Seulgi pull Irene to sit on his laps and circle his arm around her waist "I don't want and no worry, no one will catch me"

Irene circle her arms around Seulgi neck "I miss you too"

"That's why I'm coming" Seulgi plant chaste kiss on Irene shoulder "I want to sleep with you tonight"

"Ehh?!" Irene eyes turn wide


"Tomorrow morning we will get kick out of this house because of you"

Seulgi giggle "I will go back at 4 AM so that no one notices me. I plot it well already"

"Such a big criminal"

"Now you detain me if I'm wrong"

Irene lean closer to Seulgi face "You're detained with life sentence so don't ever try to go out"

Seulgi smile naughtily "I stuck on you, by your side" he capture Irene lips and they proceed to make out session

After the make out, both of them cuddle on the bed "I don't know how long we can hide our relationship. Just seeing you from afar is really suffocating me. I just want to hold you wherever and whenever" said Seulgi

"Hide it as long as we can. Someday the right time will come and we will announce our relationship"

"Our love quite tragic"

"Good things take time" Irene said "Let sleep, I'm sleepy already"

"Okay" Seulgi hugging Irene from behind and he slip his hand inside her shirt to caress Irene tummy

"Kang Seulgi" Irene pinch Seulgi hand but he still teasing her

"Your tummy is cute" Seulgi pull his hand out after pinch Irene tummy

"Yah!" Irene hit Seulgi with pillow "Stupid Kang!"

"I'm sorry baby" Seulgi peck Irene lips

"You better behave before I kick you out of this room"

"You're so mean"

"Serve your right" Irene twist Seulgi ear

"Okay, now sleep" Seulgi hugging Irene tightly and entangle their legs "Goodnight baby"

"Goodnight bear" Irene kiss Seulgi neck since she can't reach his lips

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