Chapter 10.

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* Eva *

It felt like someone was taking a hammer to my head, and hitting it over and over again! The pain was bearable, but I still wanted it to stop. Opening my eyes, I groaned trying to sit up.

"Eva , sweetie. Can you hear me?" A female voiced asked. Looking to my left, I realized I was laying on a bed with Aiken and his parents watching me with a worried expression.

"Ummm. What happened?"

"You passed out, honey, Michelle began, Aiken yelled for us and we hurried up here. You were only out for a few minutes though, which is good. Does this happen a lot? Can you think of any reason you would just randomly faint?" She said motherly.

I paniced for a moment, wonderimg what to tell them. They all looked so worried, was this what it felt like to have people truly care? To have parents, that want to do any thing for their child. To love, cherish them, and be worried when some thing bad happens or they are in pain. Aiken's lucky.

"Um, it's probably because I haven't had anything to eat today. I was running late to school this morning, and skipped breakfast. Then when I got to lunch I realized I left my lunch money at home when I was rushing to leave. This is the first time its happened though. And I guess, when I jumped up real fast, it caught up to me." I didn't completely lie. It was true that today I hadn't eaten any thing. But the reason was because my parents were still on their rampage, making me fast, for some unknown reason. Looking around the room, I tried to think of a way to escape. This was all new to me. I had been to people's house for school projects before, but the parents just usually left us alone to our work. I didn't want to feel cared for, because then I would know what I was missing out on. I've been fine so far, and I didn't need to have fake hope for something that was never going to happen to me. I needed to stay realistic. Spotting the clock, it read 4:05.

"Crap, I'm sorry. But I really need to go. I can't be home past 5, and my car is still at school, I looked towards Aiken, can you take me back now, please?"

He silently shook his head, his face scrunched up and frowning, making him seem in deep thought.

"Of course he can, sweetie. But Aiken, take my car. She still looks a little pale and I don't want something to happen with ya'll taking your bike. Eva, Michelle stated, turning back to me, I'm going to go get a few snacks together and put them in your bag. And before you say that's not necessary, I want to. I'll see ya'll downstairs!"

"Thank you Michelle" I was trying to keep the tears at bay. These were amazing people. Blinking fast a few times, I compose myself before going to walk out the room.

Before I could step out into the hall, Aiken blocked my path. "Are you sure you're okay?" His eyes softened for a second, and I just couldn't take it. We aren't nice to each other. Just because I fainted doesn't mean he has to go all gushy on me.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now, move! I need to get to my car and get home. I don't fucking need you making me late." I snapped, shoving him out of my way, and heading for the stairs. I need to get out of this house now! I feel suffocated. I can handle the egostitical jerk that hates me, but I can't handle the nice, caring version of him. I can also handle parents that yell, hit and kick you, but I can not handle the type that actually care for you. It's to alien for me. Hurrying down the stairs, I ran out the door. I just needed some fresh air. A slap in the face, back to reality. Deep breaths. I decided just to wait for Aiken to come out and sat down on the porch, while resting my head in my hands.


* Aiken *

I looked down at Eva's sleeping form, and this time instead of looking peaceful, she looked like scared child. Bending down to wake her up, I changed my mind. Scooping her small frame into my arms, she gasped but kept her eyes closed. Good, I didn't want her to wake up. I didn't want her to see this side of me. Her evil mind would conjure up some way to use it against me. But I also didn't want her to think I could be nice. She needed to hate me. Earlier, I couldn't help myself but to make sure she was alright. When she fainted, she scared the shit out of me. I didn't know what to do. So I did the first thing that came to my mind, yell for my parents. And she just blew me off like I was some pesky fly on the wall. Trying to get her into a more comfortable position so I could open the car door, I froze. She had thrown her arms around my neck. Where her skin was touching mine, it felt as if tiny shocks of electricity were going through my body. Looking at her face, I noticed she had relaxed some. Her eyebrows were no longer scrunched together, and her lips no longer pushed into a tight line. She looked gorgeous. Hey eyes still had black bags under them, but it wasn't prominent. Her lips were slightly parted and looked so smooth, I had to stop myself from touching them. 'What is wrong with me' I thought throwing the car door open. I gently set her in the seat and buckled her in. After getting in the car and heading back to the school. I knew whatever was going on with me had to stop. The only way to do that, was to double up on my plan, I needed to get rid of her faster then I thought!

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