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It was a normal day for me I was doing my patrols across the area when suddenly a new kid appears by me "Heya!" They said sounding cheerful and happy Who are you? I asked them "My name's Crackle what's your name?" Crackle said asking me what my name was,

Cyan.... I said still focusing to my patrols boss had sent me to do "Nice to meet you Cyan" they said sounding excited still I feel a tug on my cables probably taking too long I thought to my self I should go... I replied "Let me come with you!I'm not afraid" Crackle said sounding brave.

I then feel a second tug on the cables and sigh I really should go I said teleporting back to boss Crackle appears next me again -You're late!- He said Sorry boss.... I replied submissively He then look at Crackle -Why are they here?- He asked me looking and pointing at Crackle They followed me boss I swear! I said,

"Hi! My name's Crackle what's your name?" Crackle replied while asking my boss his name -Sol- Sol replied -Why did you follow Cyan?- Sol asked Crackle "I don't know I was lost but now I'm here!" Crackle replied I glare at Sol these cables can't hold me forever! I said trying to get out of them.

-They can and they will!- Sol replied tightening the cables I wince and fall over but get back up when Dream finds out you'll be sorry! I said Sol tightens the cables again this time I fall and can't get up -Meh I can take him- Sol replied "I-Is something bad happening?" Crackle asked sounding kinda of afraid,

"Oh! Let me help you Cyan" Crackle said coming to my side N-No I think you should leave... I replied -You can't help her- Sol said keeping the cables tightened so I don't try
anything J-Just leave I said to Crackle not.

wanting them to get hurt -I think you should listen to her- Sol said "Hmph I'll get my dads they'll help!" Crackle said -My dads could eat your dads- Sol replied I manage to stand back up,

I-I'm ok... I said weakly standing up -Whatever...- Sol replied loosening the cables a little I sigh and text Dawn in the text I said Hey guess who decided to tighten the cables again.... :Funnn: Dawn texted back Can't you come help me? I replied :Not really....: Dawn texted back Please! I replied :Fine I'll send ace to bring you to my place: Dawn replied.

A few minutes later Ace appears 'Let's get you out of here' Ace replied I nod and she teleports both of us to Dawn's place Heyyy Cuz I said :Heeey: Dawn replied I sigh and flop down on the couch still hurt from the cables being tightened 'You ok?: Ace and Dawn both asked me,

Yes just a little bit hurt from the cables being tightened I replied 'Ok: Ace and Dawn said brining me blankets I sigh from relief but that relief is short lived as I'm teleported to Sol What do you want?! I said sounding upset at him -I didn't call you- Sol replied Well I'm not telling you where I was I said -You were with Dawn and Ace- Sol replied H-How? I asked -Like I'd tell you- Sol said.

A SynoThought|| Book3 ||Cooperative Story With CriticaIErrorWhere stories live. Discover now