Then Gone

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No thunder, just lightning, which seemed to flicker along as the man danced his way through Nami’s bullets.

He was very agile, she admitted, watching the man flip and parry, avoiding the rain different to that of water which had started to fall around them. He avoided her gunshots easy, watching the other move extra quick towards one side, in time with the lightning slicing the thin night air like some scary knife doing away with fresh meat.

He called upon his strength effortlessly, and with just a single kick, sent dumpsters rolling towards the female police officer!

However, Nami was also quick on her toes. She managed to jump out of the way just as the heavy, screeching bins would’ve crushed her against the wall. She rolled over, poised back up on one knee, raised her firearm, and again, fired.

Her eyes caught that dominant shade of emerald green.

He smiled and the lightning seemed to waltz along with him up the sky. He resumed to moving away once more, doing backflips over her renewed attempts to get him. Then just going for the fire escape ladder, pulling it down and climbing up, using a grace that was the likes of a cat’s.

She followed.

Determination motivated Nami not to let him off this time around - again. But if chasing him just down the block was hard enough, she soon found out that following him up was even harder. 

It was difficult! 

Not only because both the situation and the weather didn’t agree with her, but also because the assassin was like nothing she’s ever encountered before. Likewise the annoying lightning seemed to cheer him on, too. 

Soon the man, donned in his leather, and the woman dressed in her uniform and stilettos, finally reached the rooftop.

He ran as soon as his feet touched terra firma. Nami surfaced but a little later, immediately raising her gun and firing, hoping to injure him somehow. However, the bullets were a waste as they’d hit nothing but air and buried into pools of forming water. He leaped unto the edge. Nami froze. 

He can’t be serious!

But he was.

And as if it’s the easiest thing, just jumped the distance of at least a few several meters between where he’s previously been and the other building. She couldn’t believe it! What did he just do? Fly?

For a moment, both sides fell into silence: Nami, in shock and awe; the other, just watching, his face ever an obscurity as he noted the reactions forming on her.

Lightning continued to flicker, forming those sharp shadows, likewise flickering with his unknown thoughts…

He seemed to wait for his pursuer, but unexpectedly, she turned her back on him.

The assassin’s forehead wrinkled. Was she ready to give up on the chase? 


"No way…" Nami surprised him rather, as she kicked off her heels and tore her skirt shorter, making a starting point of that other end and just…running.

Focused through the weighing rain, she gave it a shout that was her battle cry as she jumped with all the courage she could summon, all the luck she could afford. The assassin thought she couldn’t do it, thought she *wouldn’t* do it but...but...

As Nami touched down, a congratulatory smile to herself, he knew the game’s on again. As for her, this was quite a triumph. 

How d'you like them apples Mr. Assassin? 

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