Chapter Eight

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                                                                                        **Claire's P.O.V.**

When I woke up the next morning, my head was throbbing and the light behind my closed lids was excruciating. I could barely breathe because it was like I was stuck inside a furnace, under a million blankets and pillows piled up around me. I braely had time to register why I was feeling this way or where I even was before a familiar voice pulled me the rest of the way out of sleep. 

"Are you awake, now?" Harry asked, his low voice soothing rather than harsh, which I was thankful for. At least he wasn't being an asshole right now. I nodded my head and rolled onto my back, taking a breath of cool hair before I pulled a pillow over my face. Harry laughed softly, and then the bed dipped. 

"There's water on the side table. I have to take a conference call, and then we need to talk." He said, and I didn't even bother nodding. "Okay. What time is it?" I asked him, refusing to move, even when he started to tug on the pillow hiding my face. "It's noon, and you need to shower, because I'm pretty sure you had a trying dream last night." He said, successfully getting the pillow away from me. 

I groaned and covered my eyes with my hand, and then his weight was gone from the bed and the next time he spoke, his voice was far away. "Get up!" 


After a greuling shower and me nearly falling asleep three more times in an attempt to start my day, I was finally feeling the effects of the tylenol and water Harry had given me. He'd been doing something all morning, leaving me with my thoughts. And that was why I was probably dark red when I walked into the kitchen, because I was remembering everything from last night. 

No words were shared as I poured a cup of coffee and placed it in the microwave to get it hot, and accepted the plate of pasta Harry pushed toward me. He was punching buttons rapidly on his laptop, focused, his own plate sat beside him on the counter. The only thing I was thankful for was that I wasn' hungover, neccesarily, wine just gives me a headache. 

When the microwave beeped with my coffee being finished, before I get off the stool and go and get it, Harry turned and pulled it out and set it in front of me with the sugar bowl. I was a little taken aback, but I fixed my drink as always and let him go back to typing. 

I was halfway through my meal when Harry suddenly looked up and placed his hands on the counter, looking at me. "I have to go away Wednesday for work. I'll be gone until Friday and I'll be with Louis. Zayn can come by and check on you-" "I don't need a babysitter," I said, slightly annoyed that he was treating my like a child. He smiled for a breif second, and then kept talking. 

"Right, well, if you don't want to do that, Perrie can come stay with you." He said, and I felt my face drop immediately. "No, I don't think so." I said, shoveling in more food. 

"Why not? I mean, you don't want Zayn and I don't understand why Perrie is unwelcomed-" "You were there last night! You saw how snippy she was. She doesn't like me and there's no way in hell I'm going to be uncomfortable for two days while she glares at me when I breathe." I said, and he wiped a hand over my mouth to conceal a smile. "She's not that bad, Claire." 

He said my name like he was trying to convince me of something, and it was almost working. Especially when he paired the tone with a head tilt and wide green eyes. I shook my head mentally, trying the push the thoughts out. 

"I agree, she's not that bad. But she's bad enough." I told him, and he snorted, rolling his eyes. "So, what do you propose then?" He asked, leaning forward to rest his chin on his fist. I shrugged. 

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