Chapter Nine

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TW: abuse, language, non-con touching, violence. 

I was woken up by the sliding of drawers and footsteps. 

I tried to keep my eyes closed, thinking that he'd leave soon and this would be over, but he was still in the room after what felt like five minutes. I told myself to just block it out and go back to sleep, but then the bed was being shaken and I was sitting up straight. 

"Whassamater?" I asked, barely opening my eyes because I was still half asleep and drowsy. What I did see was Harry sat on the bed with me, cast in shadows by the lamplight. He was frowning. 

"I was going to tell you last night, but I uh, didn't think about it," If I'd been more awake, I would've blushed. "I have to leave for that trip that I told you about, earlier than expected. Louis is on his way, and we'll leave from here." He said, and I felt the sleep start to clear away as I pulled the covers up further. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice soft. I finally started to take in the room, only to see that it was still pitch black outside. "What time is it?"

"It's five in the morning, and I've got to go to Boston. I know you didn't want a babysitter, but Eleanor is going to stay with you until we get back." He said, and I huffed, laying back down. "Don't pout." He said, but I could tell he was smiling. 

I watched him through half-lidded eyes as he shoved more clothes in a bag and then grabbed a white garment back out of the closet. I presumed it was a suit, and I was only semi-surprised that he had a suit. He was a businessman after all. 

He grabbed a sweater off of the chair in the corner of the room and pulled it on over his head. He zipped his bag shut and then there was a knock at the door. He jogged out of the room and I shut my eyes, sleep starting to take over again, and then I heard two familiar voices. 

I sat up and grabbed the blanket off of the couch and wrapped it around my shoulder before I started to walk out into the living room where the voices were. Sure enough, Louis and Harry were there, leant over something on the table while Eleanor yawned in the arm chair. She saw me and smiled sleepily, and I knew that they woke her up to. 

"Hey," She said softly and I returned it, trying not to yawn. Louis and Harry just ignored us as they discussed whatever it was they were looking at, while Eleanor just glared at them. I sighed and went into the kitchen before I made a pot of coffee for them, and then motioned for El to follow me. "Coffee is in the pot." I said as we left. 

"DId he wake you up too?" I asked her, and she nodded at me as she set her bag down by the bed and looked around. I went ahead and flopped on the matress with the blanket wrapped around me, and she gingerly sat down. "What?" 

"You sleep in here?" She asked, turning her big eyes on me. I nodded sleepily, pushing some blankets on her side so she could lay down. 

"Sometimes, yeah. Or Harry will take here and I'll go on the couch." I said, and she laid back beside me, her on her back and me on my front. She turned to me and smiled. "I've never been in his lair before." 

I rolled my eyes and she giggled. "You are ridiculous. Stop that. I was awkward all night becuase I kept reading into everything too much." I said, and she smiled. 

"Did anything happen last night when you got home?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows in that creepy way that made my skin crawl. I made a face and she laughed. I thought about telling her about the after-shower incident, but decided against it. 

"Nope. Sorry to burst your bubble." I said, and she gave me a look like she didn't believe me, but just then Louis made his way into the room. 

He dropped down by her side of the bed and beant his head over hers, kissing her once before I looked away. It was a few more moment of them giggling and whispering and kissing before Harry cleared his throat by the doorway, and I looked over to see him leaning against the frame. "Hush you, I'm saying goodbye to my boyfriend." Eleanor said, and he rolled his eyes, but smiled. 

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