Chapter 10.5: Now This is War

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<<Salem POV>>

I get up angry and I grunted. There was a large cut in my stomach. I regenerated and looked around to see (Y/N) was gone and so was the rest.

Salem: "You can't kill me.....but how did he defeat me so easily?"

I yelled loudly and broke all the windows in the room.

Salem: "YOU WILL DIE (L/N)!"

<<Ironwood POV>>

I was walking to my base and Atlas noticed something.

Atlas: "Are you okay Mr.Ironwood?"

Ironwood: "No. We shouldn't get our hopes up too high. He defeated Salem but...what if she hasn't given up? She is immortal."

Weiss: "Great. So now you're saying (Y/N) didn't do anything worth while?"

Ironwood: "No. That's not what I'm saying. He just saved us time. A lot of time. Unconsciously, he's helping us but he can't see it."

<<In afterlife: (Y/N) POV>>

I was just floating there. In the darkness. I felt pain every now and then but it'll go away in an instant. I felt my body breaking slowly.

(Y/N): "Atlas....Blake..."

<<Reality: (Y/N) POV>>

Berserker (Y/N): "RAAAAAAH!!!!! AAAATLASSS! BLAAKE!" My words were slurred. I was barely understood. It didn't make sense what I said. I ran and tried to find Blake. I ran around until I saw a town. "GRAAAAAAGH!"

<<Blake POV>>

I finished texting Yang and I sat down. We landed on Menagerie. I met my parents and Sun went on with his life.

Ghira: "I'm glad you came back. Did you get in touch with the boy?"

Blake: "Yeah. We met again at Beacon. We started to date."

Kali: "So where is he? I haven't seen him in a long time."

Blake: "That's the thing. After Beacon got attacked, he turned into the form that was here 7 years ago."

Ghira: "Oh no. So that means that....Atlas died again?"

Blake: "No. He thought so...and he thought I got taken away. He couldn't recognize anyone so he attacked Atlas."

Kali: "Well at least you're safe."

Blake: "It's my fault. I'm a coward."

Ghira: "No. It's not. You did the right thing."

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

Blake: "We love each other but...I don't know how he's going to go back to normal. There was so much that I'm not sure what happened."

Ghira: "Well he turned normal when he was a kid. Maybe he will just lose stamina."

Blake: "It's been going on for 2 weeks. All the yelling and killings."

Everyone stood silent and I cried.

Blake: "I just wanted him back..." I cried in my father's arms and my mom hugged us also.

We all felt the ground shake again and we looked up.

Ghira: "Was that...."

Kali: "(Y/N)."

Ghira: "Blake. Why don't you get rest. You must be tired."

Blake: "I'll be fine." I stood up and headed to the roof. I heard russling in the trees. I pulled out my swords. "Who's there?"

Sun: "Woah woah. It's just me." He came out the trees and I put my weapons away.

Blake: "What are you doing here?"

Sun: "No where else to go."

Blake: "Stay here I guess." I looked away and saw someone in the trees. "Huh?" The person swung their weapon at me and ran away. "HEY!"

I ran after her and Sun followed me.

<<Adam POV>>

Well...seems like they found you darling. Now...this is war. War against the faunus, humanity, and that beast out there that you call a lover....

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