part four

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Cooldude:where is Monika's profile?
Queenbee:type in her name
Sofeoofoof:me and Angel are already her friend on jump bob
Cooldude:bla bla bla I know

As you went on your phone you went to play jump bob you died on level 91 and on level 1,000  that's the last one you got mad and put if away

Cooldude:lucky  this isn't the right name can you help me
Sillybommer:type sillyboomer dude!
Sofeoofoof:this is a hard game

As you sit down sobbing you hear a large bang at the door a dude with a gun shoots at Monika Monika grabs a chair the protect her and a black bottle she threw the bottle at the boy Monika had enough time to run away and then she started playing jump bob she was now on level 200 an hour later she was on level 999 and then she was on the last level 1,000 and she won the game she shared with her friends Tony got her profile just in time angel, lucky and tony were surprised to see that the last level was finished
And said great job!

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