part six

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You pick up a stick from the ground you went to your text messages
Cooldude:yo 3 60 no scope dabs floss
Queenbee:I'm annoyed

As you go to your room you jump on the couch watching TV you hear your brother yelling he got hurt my friends came the purr came from my cat lushes all the friends came  the you went to one of your favorite games ant catchers you almost made it a giant think came a knock on the door came no one was there only your friends when another knock came lucky disappeared you look at angel and tony a blood trail was there it was near the kitchen angel walked in the kitchen

Angel didn't come out of the kitchen for a while blood was on her and one eye was white she dropped on the floor blood spreaded  then I grabbed  a knife and then I see lucky but dead

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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