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Our story here starts in with one single Destroyer named the USS Nathan James. This little Destroyer has beaten the odds any many skirmishes and the help with her crew and guidance of her captain: Tom Chandler, this Last Ship of the United States Navy has cured the world of two horrifying outbreaks of virus's and taking on other rogue ships that tried to sink her and kill her crew. But unfortunately after a few years of service and surviving many impossible battles and odds she was finally sunk. But not fully, with her and her captains will they both sunk their white whale by sacrificing themselves. Unfortunately this little ship wanted one last thing, her captain to survive and finally have a good life away from the horrors of the world. As she was finally sinking she saved her captain from dying with her and the battleship they took down together. While Chandler woke up near the surface of the water and he looked down and seen his ship sinking into the bottom of the ocean, suddenly he heard a weak young woman's voice in his head.

???: "Live.... Captain, for me.. and our crew. Live......."

As the Nathan James continues to sink he had a sad look on his face seeing his beloved ship sinking into the depths of the ocean. The dark and cold ocean will forever be her resting place. Unfortunately fate is a cruel mistress, before she hit the bottom the whole ship disappeared with out a trace. A future generation wanted to find the wreckage of the Nathan James and preserve some history of her and all that she's done for the world. Nobody could figure out how the wreckage just vanished completely from the world. This devistated the surviving crew of the Nathan James, they couldn't even pay respects to her, but somehow that felt that she was still out there, just missing in action. Unknown to them she did vanish from their world, and was summoned into another, in the form of a little human girl known as a Shikikan, but she also carries the soul of the Nathan James with her.

As of right now inside a base named Azur Lane got an odd disturbance. They thought it was the sirens again but it was something else completely. At the base a long white haired woman named Enterprise was walking down a hallway to her room but she was called in by the commander of the base. When she arrives the commander told her about an energy signature that's similar to the sirens showed up, bit from what the boys at intelligence says that it's only one small blip and only one quote on quote "ship" appears. He told her to get a few of the shipgirls ready and prepped for a recon mission to check it out. At this time many women from different countries appeared today as a bit of a celebration of holding of a siren attack with no casualties. Enterprise went to a table and seen her sister and a few other girls around her. She said "Hi" to her friend Cleveland and it got everyone's attention at the table.

Cleveland: "Hey Enterprise how's it going?"

Enterprise: "Good, sorry to ask but I need your help with something."

She instantly got up to Enterprise's face with her arms close to her chest and stars in her eyes.

Cleveland: "OOOOOO Is it something cool! It's gotta be if your doing it!"

One of the girls at the table was a Japanese aircraft carrier named Akagi chuckled to herself from Cleveland's antics.

Akagi: "Ara Ara So energetic."

Her sister next to her Kaga nodded.

Kaga: "Indeed sister."

Cleveland: "C'mon tell me what it is!!"

Another one of the girls stood up and stood next to Cleveland, this girl was Belfast of the Royal Navy.

Belfast: "You got interested as well, what is it Enterprise."

Then another two girls decided to chime in. Their names were Prinz Eugene and Z23 of the Ironblood

Prinz: "Ooooo~ I wonder if it's something juicy.~"

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