Chapter 2

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As the Nathan James continues to sail alone per Jamie's request, Jamie stood at the bow of the James while feeling the sea air breeze past her. She does a long inhale and adopts a small smirk on her face.

Jamie: "This...... feels good, it's peaceful."

At the very long distance she seen something coming into view. So she went to one of the parascopes on the right side of the ship. What she saw was land, more precisely her be Home base: Azur Lane. She walked back up to the bridge where the rest of the girls were chatting, but once the seen Jamie with her stoic look they stopped and she announced that they are almost home.

Jamie: "Alright everyone, we're almost home."

Javevlin: "YATA! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone! I think you'll like Laffy she is kinda like you, except looking more...... tired, while you're more serious and awake."

Jamie just stared at her with her unmoving expression blinking a couple times.

Prinz: "There's also someone in the Ironblood ranks that's also like you, ironically she said the same thing you asked us awhile ago. 'I've always sailed alone.' her name's Graf Spee, I think you'll like her too. Maybe you two will even be like sister's!"

When Prize said 'sister's' it echoed through her whole mind and body. Jamie's demeanor changed drastically, her shoulders slumped and she lowered her head with her hair covering her eyes. Everyone took notice and Prinz wanted to apologise.

Prinz: "D-Did I s-say something wrong?"

Jamie slowly walked to the Captain's chair and she slumped forward with her hands gripping some handle bars next to the seat. Z23 slowly walked up to her and when she put her hand on her shoulder. But when her hand touched Jamie visibly flinched.

Z23: "Hey Jamie, what's wrong?"

Jamie didn't say a thing but she she deeply inhales and that see a few tear drop on the floor.

Belfast: "Jamie, I think it's best if you tell us so we can help you. It's better to say it instead of having it weighing down on your soul."

Jamie deeply inhales and exhaled.

Jamie: "Y-Yeah, you're right. It might be good if I talk about it."

She turns around with a few years coming down her face and she leans back into the handle bars.

Jamie: "I... I used to have two sisters. Two other Arleigh Burke - Class Destroyers, Shackleton and Hayward. W-We *inhale* umm, we were going down a Chinese river to stop a ship delivering missle's, while we were chasing that Skunk we were blindsided. Unknown to all three of us the corrupted Chinese president fired his own land based missle's at us. He cought us off guard and................... We, lost Shackleton first. I was only slightly injured, while Hayward, she wasn't doing well. My crew tried to save what was left of my two sister's crews. But....."

Jamie looked off to the right with her fist in front of her mouth and she used her free arm to hug herself. They also seen tears streaming down her face and her face finally made a different emotion then having the same one. In Jamie's mind she started to remember her sister's scream as they were fired upon by hidden land batteries. Including the screams of their crews dieing. Javevlin slowly walked up to her and Jamie looks at her with completely red eyes.

Javevlin: "Jamie, it's ok."

Jamie raspily breaths in and out trying to calm herself, but even that's barely working.

Jamie: "Umm, the last of the crew from Hayward, the scuttled my sister. I.... I even heard that my sister agreed with her crew. She was slowly sinking, slowly dying, so they decided to end her suffering."

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