It wasnt me

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POV: Luke

7am: Luke? Luke? Wake up breakfast is ready. My mom says. She walks away so I can wake up. When I'm awake I go down stairs.

I take place at the table and my mom asks me how I slept. Good, I was really tired yesterday so I'm very happy that I didn't wake up in the middle of the night. I tell her. She smiles and we start eating.


Hello Luke, I hear a voice say. When I turn around I see Michael smiling and walking towards me. He is always so happy, he brings me in a good mood when I'm in a bad one.

Hello Luke! Michael says, smiling a little bit too much. I am so excited for Friday. I have never been to a pub before, what can expect? Are you drinking alcohol? Do yo.. he asks a bit nervous. But I cut him off. Dude don't worry i tell him, it's gonna be fine. Hmm okay than, he says kinda insecure.

The bell goes and we walk to our classes. Ah shit, Harry is in the same class as ours. Michael and I take our seat in front of him because there were no other seats to take.

Class had already started but Harry was still talking. Uhm excuse me Harry, will you please be quite, class has started. The teacher tells him. But he doesn't listen and keeps talking. Harry! Out of my class. The teacher yells. It wasn't me ma'am. It was Luke. He says and I look at him with a confused look. Was it you Luke? The teachers asks. No ma'am, it was Harry, I promise. I tell her. Harry looks mad at me. The teacher tells him to go and he stands up, with his drink in his hand, when he reaches our tables, he opens the bottle and gets the water all over Michael and me, making it look like an accident. The teacher didn't see it, she realised that it had happen, when everybody was laughing at us. When I look at Michael I see him crying, he stands up and walks out of class, I follow him.

Hey! Michael!? Where are you going. I yell at him. Away!! He yells back at me. I stop running when I realise he's too far away and I get back to my classroom. The teacher asks where Michael is and I tell her that I have no idea.


Break has started. I haven't seen Michael since whatever happend in first period. Suddenly I
See a red haired boy walking in the cafeteria with his head down. When he sees us he starts smiling, but it's not as big as it was this morning.

Hey mikey! Ashton yells happy at him. Hey ash. Michael says. He sits down and doesn't say anything, he just eats his food. Michael? I ask. Yes Luke? He answers a bit worried. Can I talk to you? He nods and we walk away from the table.

Why did you start crying Michael? It wasn't that big of a deal. Just some water, he likes to tease people. I tell him. Yeah I know, but you reacted a bit angry too yesterday, so why can I not react the way I react? No look, you can, ofcours you can I won't judge, but you looked so... hurt. I say. I just thought that it was going to be different this year.. I've always been bullied and I'm sick of it. I have had the worst of the worst, so I thought that I could handle a little bit like teasing but no, I'm just weak...
No Michael! You are not weak! You are strong, otherwise you wouldn't be here, but you are! And you've got me and Ashton and Calum. We're your friends, listen to us not to Harry, he just wants to make you feel bad. I slowly see a smile appear on Michaels face when he hears the words, we are your friends. Thank you Luke and he gives me a hug.

The bell goes, perfect timing. The day goes bye in no time. And before we know, it's already the end of our last class. As we walk outside, we See Harry and his friends standing next to Michaels bike. We walk up to them and I start talking.

What are you doing? I ask. They smile and Harry says: Nothing. And they walk away. We check Michaels bike to see what they did, we don't see anything. Maybe we were too early and they couldn't do it. Michael grabs his bike and we start cycling. Well except for Micheal. He's not moving... they broke the chain, we totally forgot to check the chain. I see the pain appear in Michaels eyes but he stops it and he says that it's fine, I'll walk home.

Ashton and Calum left, i decided to bring Michael home. Thanks for bringing me home. I hear him say. No problem Mikey. And he smiles. Wait, did I just call him Mikey?! Oh I did. I guess that's okay.

We have finally arrived at Michaels home. He rings the bell and a woman opens the door. Hey Michael, you're late, what happened? The woman asks worried. Nothing mom, I just broke my chain. Michael says and he looks at me like he tells me not to say anything. Oh, okay then. I guess we're going to have to fix that. The woman says as Michael walks in. And who did you bring with you? She asks Michael. I am Luke. I answer for him. Well, nice to meet you Luke. Do you want to come in? I've just finished dinner. She asks very sweet. Uhm,
I actually have to go home, maybe another time? I tell. Okay Luke, get home save she says and Michael waves at me, with a little smile on his face.


Finally, home. I open the door from the garage and place my bike in it. When I walk into the living room I see everybody looking at me. My mom walks up to me and asks where I have been. I tell her the real story and she gives me a hug while telling me that I am a sweet boy and all that stuff. You know what I mean.

Mom has cooked dinner and we all sit around the table again. Nobody says a thing, we're all quit when we're eating. When I am finished I ask if I can go to bed and my mom nods and smiles at me. I am so tired. It's only 7pm.

I go upstairs to my room and I let myself fall onto my bed. I close my eyes and it doesn't take long before I'm asleep.

3am: I slowly open my eyes, only to see that it's still dark outside. I grab my phone to check the time. It's 3am. I woke up in the middle of the night... again. I am so sick of waking up in the middle of the night. I turn off my phone and try to sleep again, it takes a while but after half an our of overthinking I finally fall asleep.

Yeah! I actually wrote over 1200 words, I hope it wasn't too boring... Sorry if I made any mistakes, and if I did, just tell me :p
hope you guys liked it xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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