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You know, at this point I'm not even going to mention how often I do these...

Hello guys! First of all, I wanna say that I hope every one of you is healthy and stays home, because this virus, while not much of a problem for young and healthy people, is dangerous to the elderly and/or sick. So, yeah, I really hope you guys are being responsible for your health and other people's healths. I also hope you didn't buy all the toilet paper. 

Second of all, would you like me guys to do a Q&A? I promise this time I know how it works since the last time I was stupid. 

I had this idea since my country is in a state of emergency and nobody is allowed to go anywhere. I am, for now, homeschooled as is the rest of the country, and let me be honest, it is a nightmare to work through mobile devices, mostly because teachers don't know how to work with these things...(not like ik, but still) 

So, because of boredom, I decided to ask you guys this. If you do want a Q&A, I'll write another thing like this as to tell you to when I am gonna accept questions and under there u can comment on your questions. Or send me a message if u wanna be anonymous(is this how u spell it? Prolly not but meh. P.S: I fixed it. It wasn't spelled right.). I just wanna say that no questions are stupid. The more stupid thing is you not asking the question you wanna know the answer to. 

So yeah, this time I promise I'll give you more time because last time I was a dumb-dumb. I hope I didn't make u believe this was a new chapter (haha, not soon guys dw). Btw, I think I know why writing has been a little oofy for me recently, but that's another topic and I don't wanna waste your time.

I hope you guys are safe, healthy, and staying home, because right now is the time where the world has to stick together and not panic over some stupid toilet paper and tissues... I love you guys, stay safe <3

Side note: Today I wanted to make muffins so bad but the only thing my store didn't have were the paper things u pour the muffin mix in. I was soooo maddddd...!! >:'( (Useless info, but I had the need to cry it out :'))

Edited: 20/05/2020

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