Chapter 4

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MARK ROLLED OVER, TRYING to ignore the sun rays that streamed into the suite and convince himself he had more time to sleep.

Warm October air drifted through the open window, filling the suite with the scent of maple trees and roasted coffee beans.

He looked over at K, touched her soft skin and traced the outline of her face. She was everything to him. He wished he could freeze time.

But finally he said, “Good morning, honey,” and watched her open her eyes and smile at him. “It’s ten o’clock. We should get going. I think checkout is at eleven.”

She mumbled something, then snuggled deeper into the pile of pillows and blankets.

He kissed the top of her head and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the shower and stepped in. The hot water hit his back. He sighed as he began to wake up from his morning fog. Steam filled his nostrils and the water massaged his muscles.

“Baby?” he yelled from the bathroom.

“I’m up—I’m up,” she moaned. “That is one comfortable bed.”

Leaving the water on, he tiptoed out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, and snuck up behind his wife, who was bent over the suitcase. He grabbed her from behind, making her jump and scream.

“Mark! You scared me.” She pushed him on the bed, ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

He was still laughing as he dried himself. He pulled a pair of jeans from the suitcase and slipped them on. It was a perfect day for a broken-in pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

After they checked out of the hotel, they drove to K’s parents’ house to pick up Sam.

Kate looked up from the grocery list she was making. “After we get Sam, I need to go to the store to buy a few things for dinner tonight. I think the Super Mart on Third Street has an Office Depot right across from it,” he said. “I need to get a few things there, so I’ll drop you off and pick you and Sam up after I’m done.”

K nodded but asked him to try to keep it under twenty minutes. He smirked. She knew he could wander around forever ogling the latest gadgets, if she didn’t give him a time limit.

When they pulled into the driveway leading to her parents’ three-story house, he could see Sam waving at them from the front bay window, a huge smile lighting her face. He smiled and waved in return.

He parked the Honda and they both got out to meet K’s parents at the front door. Sam jumped into his arms. He squeezed her tight before turning to his in-laws. “Mom, Dad. Thank you for watching Sam for us.”

K hugged her parents. “Yes, thank you so much. We had a wonderful evening together.”

“Our pleasure, as always.” Her father patted Sam’s arm. “Booboo was happy, too, wasn’t she, Sam?” K and her older sister, Lily, owned a white horse they affectionately named Booboo.

Sam nodded enthusiastically.

“That old horse needed a little girl to ride her. She misses the little ones.” He handed Sam’s backpack to Mark and shook his hand.

K thanked her parents again for babysitting.

“Anytime,” her mom said. “We love having her around.” Holly was a slim, fit woman, who walked a mile every day, rain or shine. “Nothing makes you feel young again like a child running around the house.”

Mark set Sam down. She hugged her grandparents, then ran to the car and jumped in the back seat. He watched her climb into her booster seat and buckle herself in.

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