2-°•Just A "Normal" Day?•°

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Andrea could barely keep her eyes open as her teacher rambled on about stories. Not a thing had been written on the whiteboard. The bell rang and Andrea's half closed eyes immediately opened she quickly got up took her books and rushed out the classroom.

She approached her locker, it was easy to spot. It was filled with stickers of bands and quotes that her little sisters placed on. She opened the locker and checked how she looked on the mirror. Her friends approached her and caught her attention by tapping her on the shoulder.

''Hey Andrea!" Said Dakota, she had short dark brown hair with hazel eyes. "Oh hey." Andrea said turning around. "Whatcha been doing?" Her other friend, Rose, she dyed her tips purple in the summer that complimented her deep red hair. Her brown eyes were locked in with Andrea's.

"Mr. Dean rambled on the whole class. We didn't get anything done." Andrea complained to her friends. "That sounds like him." Rose agreed as she took out her phone to check the time. "I better head out, don't wanna be late, see you guys." "So should I, bye." Dakota said as she caught up to Rose, her and Rose parted ways at the end of the hall from what Andrea could see.

Andrea sighed and closed her locker then made her way to her class. Her teacher, Mrs. Sanchez, was strict with the students. So when Andrea's phone suddenly rang. Shoot! Andrea thought in a panic. Andrea quickly looked at who it was and was shocked when she saw that it was one of the local music studios in town. Andrea raised her hand and asked "May I use the restroom Mrs?" "Fine, make it snappy!" Mrs. Sanchez hissed back in her booming voice. "Yes!" Andrea whispered.

Andrea ran to the restroom and answered the call. "Yes?" Andrea asked after taking a deep breath, she tried to act as calm as she could during this moment...

Word Count:329

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