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"Put your arms up where I can see them!" The lady officer, that I see almost regularly, says. I do as she says as the boys back away, startled while the officers searched the flat.
"Where's you warrant? I have my Miranda rights and I plead the fifth!" I snap as she takes my arms and places them behind me before cuffing them behind my back.
As I'm leaned against the counter, I'm shown a full piece of paper with a judge's signature at the bottom. "Miss May, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law."
"What am I arrested for?!" I shout as Roger tries to push through the officers to get to me.
"Get back, she's my wife, you hear?!" He shouts as he approaches me and strokes my face before he's immediately pulled away by another officer.
"Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to stand back!"
"Miss May, you are being charged with First Degree Murder, purchasing illegal substances, breaking and entering, illegal gambling, false identification," she reads, pausing before looking down at me with pity in her eyes. "And public nudity."
"Oh come on! I was running out of a crack house in order to escape someone who was trying to frame me! Which is what's happening right now!" I shout, straightening back up before being slammed back down with her hands.
"You aren't even a licensed detective, Miss May. Your career means nothing to us." She mutter before lifting me back up and pushing me towards another officer. "Search the house, it wasn't at the office so it must be here."
"Permission to speak freely?" Brian asks, eyeing me worriedly as officers pass by left and right. She looks over at him seriously before replying.
"What exactly are you looking for? My sister is not a murderer or anything like that." He says as I shake my head slightly at him. "What?"
"Idiot, you aren't supposed to oppose until we're in court..." I'm stopped by a sudden nudge in my back. "Hey!"
"Stolen evidence from the scene of the crime. Your sister stole private documents protected by the first amendment and planned to destroy an innocent man's career with libel and slander." She replies, my jaw dropping at how opinionated her response way.
"Objection! You can't take sides outside of court..."
"Yeah yeah, save it for the judge, May." She mutter before signaling to lead me out to their car where they'd drive me to the station and eventually, behind bars for the night.
"Wait! Let me at least say goodbye to her!" Roger exclaims as tears begin to fill his eyes. I almost roll mine at his stupidity.
"Don't worry, Mister Taylor, your little delinquent will be waiting for you at the station, behind bars." She says before following the cop out as I catch one last glimpse of Roger. Oh, how badly I wanted his touch and his lips on mine, but I knew what I had to do and I wasn't stupid...I would get out just fine.

They kept their word and I was thrown behind bars at the station, luckily not the ones Michael was in. The ground was cold...the whole cell was cold as I was left with only a small bathroom and cot.
My brain hurt as I thought of a plan to prove my innocence but my stupid plan and overall ego threw me down a deep rabbit hole. A sheriff sat at his desk about 15 feet away from me as I pick the cobblestone on the walls.
Night fell and I was actually growing tired so I laid my body on the wooden slab where I shut my eyes and continued to think of a way out of this.


I open my eyes to find myself back in the Taylor's house, where usually all the bad things happened. But, it looked almost like heaven from where I was at. Clapping is heard as I turn to find Michael walking down the stairs, clapping quietly as he held a smile.
"You're doing great sweetheart. I'm honestly proud of you." He says as I wrinkle my nose at his words.
"Ever since your stupid life mistakes, you've brought me nothing but pain." I say, tears forming in my eyes. "When will it be over..?"
"When you find out my last mistake. Like I said, I'm not dead until I get rid of you...and I did. I got rid of the old you." He says, landing on the bottom step before approaching me in his blue suit. "You've grown so much since the last time you solved my clues. But this, Sophie, this is nothing. You will get out of it."
"" I sniffle, looking up to meet his blue eyes that reminded me of my lonely lover.
"Everything will come together, my last mistake will forever burden me but in the'll get everything you've wanted and nothing more can hurt the mastermind of London." He says with a reassuring smile that brought me a bit of comfort and he bends down and hugs me. "I even left you a little gift, love."
"What is it?" I muffle into his coat as he continues to hug me. He chuckles at my question before pulling away but keeping eye contact with me.
     "My dear, I can't tell you, it'll be too easy. And when you do find it, you'll think I'm foolish for picking such an easy location." He says as he presses a piece of hair behind my ear. Even though he did the worst things known to man, he was my dad...and dads love their daughters more than anything.
     "I promise, love. Trust me, when this is all over, it'll be a lost memory to you." Then he floated away...and with that, I woke up crying...

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