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Angel's P.O.V.
     Finally..we finished moving everything...! She hands me a glass of water and I chug it down. She poops down onto the floor next to me. "Phew! That took a while!" I nod. "Let's just hope pops don't get to mad for moving into your room with yah" she giggles and nods.

"Say, Anthony.." I look over to her. Worry spreads across her face, I hate it when she's upset. "Do you think...that..if it's truly possible..to get into heaven..? I mean, if it's that great..would they...except us...?" She tears up.

I put a hand on her shoulder sand smile at her warmly, "I know you miss mom Molls, I do too. And maybe..just possibly..we could.." she smiles and hugs me. I hug back.

"Now, lets get to unpacking everything!" I love her enthusiasm. I stand up and then help her up. As we were unpacking I pull out a photo. It's of all of us, like the one I set on the table downstairs. But this one has me kissing Al's cheek. Al looking super uncomfortable. Charlie smiling while hugging Vaggie. Husk drinking booze, and Nifty jumping up with glee.

I smile at the photo, "Hey Angie! Where do you want me to put this!" She laughs. I cock an eyebrow to see what she means. It's. My dildo. My rainbow fucking dildo.

I blush a deep red. "Molly!" She laughs and throws it at me. "Molls!" I dodge it and she falls to the floor laughing. I tackle her, we start to play fight.

"Oh come on Angie! You knew it was coming!" I snicker from that sentence. She opens her mouth and hits my arm playfully. "You're so dirty minded Anthony!" I cackle and get off her. I stand up and straighten out my coat and help her up for the second time today.

A low growl can be heard from the room. I look at her spams she giggles. "I think your stomach is telling you something..!" I give a toothy smile. "Yeah, that I need food." She squeals, "lets go get food!" I nod and we walk out of the room together.

At Denny's because we all know only Denny's would be in hell. Besides McDonalds and Mods pizza.

"What do you think your gonna get?" She sits down, "hmm I don't know I've never been here." She gasps loudly. "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO DENNYS!?" I shake my head. "You should try the grilled tilapia then!" I cock an eyebrow.

(I've actually never been to Denny's. It just googled a Denny's menu and went from there)

"Hello my names Carter, I'm your server today. What would you freaks want." I set down my menu and his face lights up. "Just a grilled tilapia for my brotha', and a Brooklyn Spaghetti & Meatballs for me" he nods as I wink at him when he walks away.

He blushes and hurry's away. I cackle and she giggles. "I still got it." She nods. "He never got our drinks." I just realized. "It's a Denny's. In Hell." She giggles, "ahhh that's right...!" I laugh. Sooner or later our food comes out and is set in front of us.

On mine was a slip of paper, I look up but see he was already gone. I shrug and look at it. It's his phone number and a printed out dick pic. Huh. "What is it?" I shake my head and put it in my pocket. "Nothin' Molls" I take a bite of it and
Damn it was good! I finish it up, so does she, we just start to chatter for while 'till our check comes out.

"So, you're telling me, that blond headed bitch stole your man?!" She looked furious. "Uh well, I guess so" she huffs. "What a whore! I bet she's just trynna get into his pants!" I cock an eyebrow. "Isn't that what I've been doing?" "For the right reasons!" We both laugh.

I remember the last time I came to a restaurant and had an actual good time was when mama was alive. Our check finally comes out and we pay then leave. Duh, we didn't pay full price. Who are we!? They didn't give us any fucking drinks! I'm not going to pay for that.

We start walking home, a chill goes down my back, like, it's excruciating pain. I yell and fall down onto my knees. "Anthony!" I pant, "Anthony! Are you okay!?" I nod and get up. I touch my back then I look at my hand, no blood. That's weird..

"Let's just head home." She nods worryingly and we both continue walking. What the fuck was that? That can't be no damn wind. We don't get wind here in hell. As we step onto the porch a bad feeling enters my stomach. And it's not the food. I breath in and out and shakily open the door. "ANTHONY LUIS ALBERGO! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" I gulp and step into the kitchen where a hard slap comes across my face.

"Anthony! Antonio let me go!" Molly screams. "What the fuck is this!?" I look up and see the photo of my and them. The one I specifically hid. "What the fuck. I thought you were over being a gay faggot!" I get up using the chair as help. "Dad! Please! Stop!" Molly cries. "Shut yo you dumb bitch!" I look at him. What. The fuck.

I lunge at my father, I tackle him tot he ground and start punching the shit out of him. His face crunching under my gloved hands. Blood coming everywhere. He grabs my throat and strangles me. That didn't stop me, any outside noises ere muffled, there was only a ringing. I couldn't even here the cries of my sister.


A sharp pain shoots through my arm. I yelp in pain and I stop punching him. I hold my arm, it's gushing out blood, I start to loose consciousness. Fuck.. I look back and see Arakniss holding a pistol. He shot me. The fucking bastard shot me. My ribs start hurting, my father was kicking the crap out of me.

"Anthony!!" My sister cried. "YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT! YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR PLACE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!" He doesn't stop. He never does..my ribs cracking under the pressure of his foot hitting them. My breathing slows. My lungs are lacking air.

He then picks me up by the collar and drags me somewhere. "Since you don't know your damn place you'll stay somewhere until then!" No. Please. Not that room..! I squirm under his grasp. He throws me into the room. A cold, dark, empty room. But what had made it scary was the only light was in your head. Everything was dark. And if you looked around you'd see that the walls looked hollow and like something could crawl out and eat you up.

"Please dad! I'll do anything! I've learned my lesson! Please! Let me out!" I scream banging on the door. "Dad! Please! Let me out!" I scream. All of a sudden I hear glass breaking and screams. MOLLY! "MOLLY!" I shout. "PLEASE! DON'T HURT HER!" I cry. "ANTHONY!" She screams.

"MOLLY!" I yell. Silence, that's not good. I hear a muffled voice on the outside. But couldn't make anything out of it. Shit...I slide down the door. My knees brought up to my fluffy chest. I start to cry. Please..somebody...Al...please..save me...

———————————————————————————————word count: 1310

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