The Girl in the Morning Dew 22nd floor of Aincrad October 2024

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Asuna's alarm was set to go off at 7:50 every morning.

Why such an oddly specific time? Because Kirito's alarm went off at exactly 8:00. She liked to wake up ten minutes early and, in the comfort of the bed, lay gazing at the man sleeping next to her.

On this morning, too, after Asuna woke to the soft melody of woodwinds, she carefully rolled over and, her chin in her hands, considered Kirito's sleeping face.

She'd fallen in love half a year ago. They'd become adventuring partners two weeks ago. And they'd gotten married and moved into these woods on the twenty-second floor just six days ago. She loved him more than anyone in the world, but the truth was that Kirito still harbored many mysteries to her. This could even be said to include his sleeping face: the more she stared, the harder it was to tell his actual age.

Due to his off-kilter, aloof nature, she typically thought of him as being older than she was. But when he was fast asleep, like now, there was a youthful innocence to his face that made him appear like a little boy.

She knew she could just ask him how old he was. It might be taboo here to talk about real life, but they were husband and wife. Forget ages—they ought to be trading real names and addresses, things that would help them meet again once this nightmare was over.

But Asuna was having trouble broaching the topic.

She was afraid that the instant she talked about real life, their married life—this wonderful dream—would become virtual, fake. This everyday life in the woods was her only reality—the thing she cared about most. Even if they never escaped this world and her body was doomed to waste away without her, she would have no regrets as long as they met the end together.

Which is why I want the dream to last a little longer...Asuna reached out and traced Kirito's cheek. He really does look so young when he's sleeping.

She had no doubts about his strength at this point. He'd been stockpiling an astronomical amount of experience since the beta test, earned massive stats through countless battles, and had the will and judgment to use them expertly. He'd lost in his duel against Heathcliff, the leader of the Knights of the Blood, but Kirito was still the strongest player in the game, Asuna knew. No matter how dreadful the challenge, she'd never been worried in battle at his side.

But gazing down at him sleeping beside her, she couldn't help but associate him with a fragile, naive younger brother. She had to protect him from harm.

She sighed softly, leaned over, and circled her arms around his body.

"I love you, Kirito...let's be together forever," she whispered.

He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Their glances met at a close distance.

"Whoa!" Asuna leaped backward. She caught her balance kneeling on the covers, face bright red. "G-good morning, Kirito. Did you...hear that...?"

"Morning. Hear what?" he replied, stifling a yawn and waving to her.

"N-nothing, nothing!"

After their breakfast of eggs, black bread, salad, and coffee, it took only two seconds to clear off the table. Asuna clapped her hands together.

"Okay! Where are we going to hang out today?"

"Jeez." Kirito grimaced. "There's gotta be a better way to say that."

"But every day's so much fun!"

Asuna wasn't lying in the least.

Though it was painful to recall, until she'd fallen in love with Kirito, the first year and a half of being a prisoner inside SAO had left her heart frozen cold.

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