"well, Jones, we have no other choice than to kill you. Don't take it to personal, just business"

Well shit
Dani Jones POV

"K-kill me, you want to- Palinski look surely there's another way" kill me? I knew working for a mafia boss would be scary but this is uncalled for!

"Take her to the back and get rid of her" I felt two men grip my arms and began dragging me away.

"It was a pleasure working with you Jones" he can't be serious? with one final glance of his disgusting smile, I was dragged down the hall.

"Listen, fellas, we're buddies why don't you just let me go and we won't have to tell Palinski? what do ya say?" all I got back was silence, damn tough crowd. Suddenly I was thrown into a dark room, it was terrifying. Then a small light bulb flickered showing where I really was and let me tell you, I wish they kept the lights off. The room color was atrocious, who the fuck has yellow walls? Not to mention the blood everywhere but god, if I somehow make it out alive I'm calling a carpenter and painter. I heard the gun cock

"Really guys I was having a really good internal monologue in my head about how gross the decorating is" I shook my head, they really have no respect do they

"Whatever Dani, I don't have time for this" Fuck he's about to pull the trigger, I need a distraction.

"Wait, wait, wait! Before you off me Joshua, can you at least tell me the secret ingredient in your wife's lasagna? I need to know before I die" He hesitated, I knew I had got him, He looked at the other man and signaled him to wait outside. Joshua's wife's famous lasagna has been a sacred recipe for generations. No one outside the family was allowed to tell the recipe. Last time someone tried to tell, they were killed by the family. Scary shit, lemme tell you.

"Ok fine but only cause you can't say shit" He motioned me to come closer "Ok once you make the ricotta you add a little-" I punched him right in the gut then did a quick uppercut knocking him out. Grabbing his gun I shot him in the leg not killing him because I knew his wife would demolish me, plus little Jane needs her pops. I walk to the door slowly counting down before bursting out and kicking the other goon in the side knocking the wind out of him. I shoot his foot and dominant hand and running. Holy fuck, you'd think after being a long time boxer you could handle running but nope. I heard gunshots a looked back quickly to see the goon from before shooting at me. Motherfuckers ambidextrous, good for him! I dodge them and exit the back, breaking one of the many cars outside and getting inside. It must be my day because the idiot left his keys. Once the car started I drove out as fast as I could to the only place where I wouldn't get murdered.

St. Judes School for Catholic Girls

You wouldn't believe it from the looks of me, but I actually went there. I also was the best student there. So how did I end up like this you may ask. Easy answer, drug, long answer, years and years of stress and pain and suffering to be the absolute best. Yeah no this school fucked me over. Once parked I got out and walked over into the school.

"Hello? Anyone here?" was it seminary already? what time is is? There was a suddent clatter.

"Oh dear Lord in Heaven, what happend to you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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