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Hinata's POV

"HINATA!" Sugawara yelled.

Everyone quickly ran over to me, looking down. My eyes would barely open more than a squint, so it was hard to see some. All I can remember is Kageyama holding me up so I wasn't laying on th- wait.. KAGEYAMA HELPED ME?! I thought he despised me!!?


All I can remember is Kageyama holding me up so I wasn't laying on the ground. I heard the worry in their voices. Saying, "Call 911! Get an ambulance!!" I didn't understand though. I was fine, but, what even happened?

Once I woke up, I looked around. All I saw was a hospital room. My eyes scanned from right to left.

"Chair," my voice cracked as I spoke aloud. "Table...Moderator...Curtain, FU-"
I jolted up in the bed that I am laying in. "W- guys?" I was confused. The entire team was standing by the door leading to the hallways.

"How are you feeling?!" Nishinoya asks impatiently waiting for an answer. He hasn't attempted to walk close to me. It seemed like he would have been scolded if he got close.

"I am fine. But, what am I doing here?" I asked them all. It didn't make sense why I needed to be in a hospital for no reason.

"Well during the practice game against Brockeporte," Daichi said with some feeling behind the words. "one of their players hit a spike, which caused you to go flying back."

"Then why am I here?" I slightly yelled. Their expressions were shocked. I could tell they hadn't expected me to raise my voice. They only ever hear me do that when I am arguing with Kageyama.

"Does your head hurt?" Asahi asked with concern.

"Er, just a little.." I answered his question. But, how did- "Ho-"

"When you tried to get the ball, you flew back and hit your head on where the wall meets the floor." Tsukishima interrupting Hinata, trying to make sense of it more for Hinata's sake. "You immediately started bleeding, since the ball had hit your dumb face."

"Isn't that something Kageyama would say to Hinata?" Tanaka asked mockingly.
Kageyama shot Tanaka a look immediately after those words came out of his mouth.

"You were knocked out after you met contact with the building." Daichi stated.

"Will I be able to leave?" Hinata apprehensively questioned the leader.
The doctor entered the room as if on cue.

"You can leave in a day or two if you'd like." the doctor had told me while looking through his papers.

"Really?!" I was shocked. Even though nothing seemed wrong I couldn't wait to get back to playing volleyball!

"You just need to get some rest." sternly said by the doctor. "You have a slight concussion."

"We should get going then." Coach Ukai told the team. "Get some rest and feel better Hinata!" he waved back to me while shoo-ing the team out the door.
I waved back to them as the filed out the door. Nishinoya not wanting to go kind of surprised me. He seemed like a little kid not getting candy right away.

"Hinata." Kageyama called out.

"Kageyama!" startled in response. "I thought you left with the rest of them!"

"I need to tell you something." Kageyama walked over to my bed.

"What is it?" I asked him. Eagerly waiting for something interesting.

"I-" he hesitates. "I think, when you come back, you should take it easy." he finally spits out.


"You have a bit of a concussion Hinata." he interrupts me. "You shouldn't use your full potential until your better."

"Why do you care?" the words come out a bit to bratty.

"Excuse me?" his tone says he's confused. His face says offended.

"Why did you care if I'm good or not?" I try to use a lighter tone than I had before.

"Because if you can't recover to your best self, then that will just bring down our strength!" Kageyama raised his voice. "Our attack won't be to its peak."

"S-sorry..." I apologized. Clearly I couldn't see the obvious.

"I am leaving now." I'm told by Kageyama as he turns to the door. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Kageyama!" I stop him. Why though? There was something I wanted to say, but what? I had no words to tell him.

"What do you want dumbass?" he gives me a look of annoyance.
A minite passes of awkward silence. Words wouldn't come to me. Anything I needed to say to him, I had to say it now!

"N-nevermind." I smile awkwardly.

"Tch." and then he leaves.

A nurse enters my room a few minutes later to check on me.

"How are you doing sweetie?" her voice is soft.

"I'm feeling fine miss!" a big smile crossed my face. "I feel just fine enough to play volleyball again!" my voice had raided as I laughed. Convincing her as best as I could.

"Please, call me Emie."

"Alright then, Emie." I immediately push my hands against my head.

"It must be pounding." Emie guesses. "Your team said you hit the ground pretty hard earlier."

"But, it didn't hurt... how could it be now?" I ask confused.

"Your body must be strong." she sounds like she is giving me a compliment. But she laughed after she said that sentence that I have no idea what she is going at.

"Your heart rate sweetie... was that big who was just here your
boyfriend?~" Emie asks me VeRy CuRiOuSLy.

"W-what?" I stutter. "No!"

"Do you have a crush on him?" her eyebrows raise.

"No?..." not wanting to give the wrong answer

"Ok then. Let's play a game that will determine if you do or don't." she suggests.

"Alright." I know I will nail this game. Because I DON'T have feelings for KaGeYaMa.

"The rules are that you can only say Yes ONCE and No ONCE. Got it?" saying once very clearly I think I got the idea.
I nod in response, waiting to answer.

"Question one, do you like that boy?" she asks with a grin growing on her face.

"His name is Kageyama, and no, I do not like him!" I state very confidently.

"Ok then. Question two, are you lying?" her smile is from ear to ear now.

"Yes...? OH EMIE!!" my voice is just under a yell.

"Yes Hinata?" she laughs at my reaction.


"Exactly." Emie calmly says as she has won. "You like Kageyama, and there is no hiding from it."

"What if I s-aid No... and then.. Yes?" I mutter to myself. "YOU STILL WOULD WIN!" I slump down the bed in defeat.

"BOOM!" Emie proudly says exiting the room.

"B-but I don't like him like that..." my voice slowly gets quiet till it can no longer be heard.

𝟏𝟐:𝟏𝟐 ᴋᴀɢᴇʜɪɴᴀ {𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃}Where stories live. Discover now