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3rd Person POV

  It was a Saturday, but Coach Ukai decided to not have practice.

  Kageyama's alarm went off at 7 this morning. He got dresses, brushed his teeth, and decided to go see Hinata at the hospital.

    “Tobio, sweetie, where are you going this early?” Kageyama's mother asked the tall setter. “Don't you want breakfast?”

    “I'm not hungry.” the boy lied. “But I am going to see my friend at the hospital.”

    “Uh-” his mother seemed to be shocked. Not at the fact he called someone his friend, but because he didn't want to eat her food. “At least take your bike th-” the woman stared at the door that her son just left from.

  Kageyama decided to walk to the hospital, even though it was like 3 miles away.
  Why did he want to see Hinata though? Was he just worried? Worried that his ginger friend would do something to make his concussion worse?
  When the dark hair boy finally arrived at the hospital, he was greeted by a kind nurse.

    “Hello Kageyama!” the nurse waved to the teen.

    “Uh- how do you kn-”

    “You can go see Hinata,” she interrupted Kageyama. “If that is what you came here to do.” she smiled to the boy.
  Kageyama immediately started walking away from the woman who seemed to know his name somehow. Making his way to Hinata's room, he had no idea on what he would say.

    “Hello Kageyama!!” the shirt boy greeted his friend as he walked in.

    “We're you.. expecting me?” Kageyama asked curiously. “And why are you out of bed?”

    “I saw you walk in for one.” Hinata replied standing up out if a chair. “And I can walk around and stuff. I'm not glued to the bed.” a smile grew on the short boys face.

    “Hinata,” Emie peaked her head inside the door. “You can go home now if you'd like. Just take it easy for a few days.”

    “Thanks Emie!” Hinata's face lit up. He could finally leave and get ready to play volleyball again.

    “So Hinata,” Kageyama started to ask as Hinata got his things.


    “Do you want to, I don't know, maybe go to a cafe or something? Kageyama stared to the floor.

    “YES!” Hinata raised his voice. “I AM HUNGRY AND WANT MEAT BUNS!”

    “Geez okay.” the tall setter raised his hands up in front of himself. “Just get your things. We will have to take the train.”
  The ginger boy quickly gather his stuff and was ready to leave. For the food.

    “Bye Emie!” Hinata called out to the nurse as he left through the front doors.

  An awkward silence stays between the two boys.

    “So Kageyama,” Hinata then breaks the silence.

    “What is it?” the taller boy sounding annoyed, looking forward.

    “How come you asked me for food? Like to get food?”

    “I skipped breakfast.” a blunt response grim the king.

    “Kageyama hurry up!” Hinata yelled back. “We are going to miss the train!”

    “Take it easy, uh- HINATA!” Kageyama ran quicker, trying to get to Hinata as quick as possible. “You dumbass! I told you to not g- are you alright?” he sighs, his tone switching from anger to worry. Helping up his friend who was laying on the ground.

    “I'm fine!” Hinata's smile quickly leaves his face when he grabs onto Kageyama for support.

    “Woah, Hinata are you feeling okay?”

    “Yea, just a little dizzy. Ehehe..”
  Without thinking twice, Kageyama grabs Hinata and puts him on his back.

    “I'll carry you till we get on the train, alright?” the tall boy started off, not far from the train stop.
  The orange haired boy rests his head on his friends shoulder. Tired, from not getting much sleep the night before. It was as if somebody snapped their fingers and he immediately passed out.

    “Uugh.” Kageyama moans. Why did he have to fall asleep on his back? Either way, he couldn't help but smile.
  By the time the train was about to depart, the tall boy carrying his friend was just able to get on. He set the ginger down on a seat and say next to him.

    “Mmm..” Hinata hummed, getting closer to Kageyama.
  All Kageyama could do now was to wait until Hinata got up. Of course, Kageyama blushed a little. Who wouldn't while watching Hinata sleep so peacefully? He yawned and layed his head on top of Hinata's. Promising to only rest for a few minutes, at least until Hinata woke.

 Promising to only rest for a few minutes, at least until Hinata woke

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  About 7 minutes later, they were both sleeping. Sleeping quietly.

    “Kageyama?” the sleeping Hinata rubbed his eyes while arising from his slumber. “GAHHJZJSB-” Hinata jumps up off the seat, startling and waking up Kageyama.

    “W-what is it?!” Kageyama asks the middle blocker.

    “N-nothing!” his face turns red quickly.
  The train stops and opens the doors for passengers to get off. Hinata and Kageyama get off the train quickly and race to the little shop Coach Ukai works at.

    “I'M GOING TO WIN!” Hinata yells back at Kageyama, who wasn't far behind.

    “HINATA BE CAREFUL!!” Kageyama warns his friend. “REMEMBER WHAT HAPP-” he froze.
  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Kageyama could only watch in horror.

    “HINATA!” Kageyama screamed to the top of his lungs. A tear started to form in the corners of his eyes.
   Hinata looked back to Kageyama, confused... he then heard it. He couldn't escape fast enough.
  Kageyama just watched his friend get hit by a car..
  The cat didn't stop either. It was a hit and run.

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