Chapter Ten

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When I wake up everything is wrong.

I am not in my forest.

It is light, the sun is bright enough to see through my eyelids.

I am warm.

There is something covering me, it's soft.

I hold still and listen, I should not be awake in the light.

This is wrong.

I hear slow breathing. Too slow. Deadly slow.

This is wrong.

I hurt, I ache.


I remember the boom and the fall and the crash.

I remember red and white in flashes.

I remember panic and pain.

And then I remember nothing.

What was the boom? Why did I fall? How did I get here? What is this place that isn't my forest? I need to know.

I open my eyes.

I see white, I see metal, I see one of them.

I see a human.

I see my boy.

He is looking at me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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