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So as we both had ended up our school life we wanted to enter a good university. As per our plan, we entered the Kageyama International University together. There we met many new folks from different nations and regions. We set foot in that university for the very first time withholding our hands. People usually have set their goals and dreams when entering University or any other Institutes. So I had a dream too. That was to get a good job, buy a big house, have a nice car and marry Henry. That's all.

We choose to study the graphic designing course. Because we felt that if we manage to find a job in that field we can have more time spent at home rather than going to the office and back home bored. As per the rules and regulations of that university males and females are not allowed to stay in the same room in the hostel. Should I say this? I think everybody knows it! I got a good looking room with a pretty roommate. I shared my love story with her just to let her know that I have a handsome boyfriend.

"Wait. Are you loving your teacher's son? Don't you feel guilty?" She asked. "Why should I feel guilty? I didn't know that he was the son of my teacher before I fell in love with him." I raised my eyebrows. "But after you get to know that you don't feel guilty? You don't feel ashamed?" She asked the same things again and again. "Why should I feel shame? We love each other. Love has no caste, no religion, nothing. You just fall for it when you meet the right person in your life." I thought my reply would make her stop questioning me. Her questions made me think about it.

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