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NAME: Mika Arisaka
NICKNAME: Mimi, but only if she really likes you.
GENDER: Female
AGE: 20
SEXUALITY: Panromantic Demisexual
NATIONALITY: Japanese-American

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A waif of a thing, Mika is someone who is easy to overlook. When she is noticed, however, she's often assumed to be an easy target. She stands at roughly four foot eleven (much to her irritation, to be honest), her short height only serving to highlight just how small she is in comparison to most others. While she doesn't exactly dislike her size, per se, she does find it irritating that she often has to wear heels just to get people to properly take her seriously. Her dark hair is long, usually thrown up in a ponytail or messy braid as she's too lazy to properly style it. When it's not unbrushed entirely, that is. She's got a bit—a lot—of a baby face, with soft features and all-too-temptingly pinchable cheeks. Though be warned, she is not at all unwilling to bite those who attempt to do so without permission. Her brown eyes are large, expressive, and almost always shining—she smiles easily, and often.

 Her brown eyes are large, expressive, and almost always shining—she smiles easily, and often

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PERSONALITY: Ever bright and cheerful, Mika comes across as someone who has naught a care in the world beyond her next art piece and the methods of cake decorating, or some other such odd and useless thing. Seemingly without ambition, drive, or any goals what-so-ever. This isn't precisely true, of course, but she's learned to pay little mind to what others might think of her. It never does her any good, and she's uninterested in things that'll only make her feel bad about herself.

She often seems a bit ditzy, flitting from one subject to the next with all the force of a hurricane, rapid-fire bouncing ideas off her conversation partners without so much as a by-your-leave. It's entertaining, at least, almost as much as it is confusing. She simply gets excited easily, especially over things she's interested in, and thus can't really help herself. Still, she's friendly and perfectly happy to sit and listen to other people ramble back at her, so it's not as though it's all take and no give.

While she's generally a sweet person, Mika is by no means a pushover, and so she's often fairly sarcastic. Especially once you get to know her and she opens up properly. She likes to tease and joke around, all for enjoying herself to the fullest. So long as it's all in good fun, she'll happily toss snark and insults back and forth—and well, if it isn't in good fun, then she's certainly not going to take it lying down. She's put far too much effort into liking herself to let someone else put her down.

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