Pains of the past

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Later that night, after staying with Jimin and helping him with his homeworks and studies I said goodbye to him and went home.
I went straight to my room, no one would tell me what to do, because I live alone and what others say doesn't matter anymore; what matters to me is that Jimin stays by my side.

I was washing my face when a wave of pain suddenly rushed over me. It was so painful that I dropped my toothbrush and I felt hands touching my back and.. Those scars.

I rushed over the mirror in my walk-in closet to see what is going on.
The more I touched my back, the more it hurts.
Then what I saw next is truly inhumane. The scars on both sides of my back were swollen and...glowing?

For the next minutes, the pain never disappeared and it grew stronger throughout my whole body.

What the hell do they want?!

I felt that my body is uncontrollable, as I had gone wild and threw a mess in my room, shatteting my dressing mirror in the process.
"ARGGHH!! TELL ME!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WITH ME??" I yelled to the darkness around me. I don't care if the neighbors would sue me for screaming at this hour. That's right, I needed to know what do 'THEY' wanted with me.

I took hold of my body as I curled up in the middle of my room like a ball. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!! PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO LIVE!" I yelled once again, as if the heavens.. No, not the heavens, but

THEY would ever answer me.

I remained there on the floor, curled up in pain as I'm silently crying, muttering under my breath to stop this madness. I mean I do have a history of severe body pains, but the scars on my back remained untouched ever since that day.

"Jeon Jeongguk. Your time as a human being is running out," a voice echoed in my room. It seemed familiar... But I don't want anything to do with it even if I knew that voice.

"Leave me alone!!" I yelled once agqin, hoping they would finally let me at peace.

"Your majesty, this is for your own good. Return there safely, please." The voice replied.

"No! Why should I return there? So I should suffer once again?? No way!!" I snapped, and stood up once I recovered my strength.

"Your father needs you there, your majesty," now the voice is loud and clear. It seems that the voice is just behind me.
"Your majesty. You are needed by your father," he firmly said as I turned to face the owner of the voice.

"Relay this message clear once and for all," I declared, as my fist balled in anger.

"Tell father that I don't have any intentions of returning to that realm and that's final." I muttered, without turning to them.
"But your majesty, the empire needs you-"

"I'm not returning and to rule as the new king," I cut him off.
"Prince Jeongguk! You are to return to our world as your father's orders!" The other snapped. That's when I turned to face them.

Azrael and Seok-min. I knew it, my father sent them here.

"I told you! I don't want anything to do with ruling our world. Now leave me alone!" I snapped, glaring daggers at the both of them.
"Master, your time is running out and we tell you this. Danger is ahead of you if you don't return" Seok-min explained, that made my veins snap as I grabbed him by his cape.

"I. AM. YOUR. MASTER. Don't tell me what to do before I snap your pity heads off of your bodies! Now go! Scram along and return to the underworld and tell them my message!!" I muttered under my gritted teeth as I let go of Seok-min. Azrael was about to utter another word when I snapped my fingers and they both vanished out of my sight.

And when they were gone, I collapsed on my bedroom floor and it felt like I had lost my strength in a blink of an eye.

I punched the floor in anger. That old man of mine. After eternities of failing to be a father to me, now he wanted me to take over as the new king?
He has always been out of his mind, and this time, I'm correct than usual.

I remained laying on my floor, the pain in my whole body never fades until the clock strikes 10. I slowly got up from my position and decided to call Suho to inform him.

"Hyung, I think I won't be able to attend school tomorrow," I mumbled through the phone.

"What? Why? What about Jimin-ah?" I smiled at the way he calls Jimin.
"I don't feel so good, hyung. Maybe I'll just ask him to come over and tend for me," I replied and scratched my nape hoping he would accept my reason.

"Are you out of your head?? You can't just make Jimin be absent even for once! Let me remind you it's our midterms week and the sophomores are busier than us seniors! Get a grip, Jeon!" He exclaimed and almost broke my ear drums for his yelling.

"B-but I'm lonely..." I know it was no use arguing with him, and I absolutely don't want Jimin to be absent to take care of me as well.
"Alright, alright, I'll try to make my way to school then," I answered and cut the call.

I made my way to my bed and tumbled on the mattress.

I feel so cold... I feel lonely once again. I am feeling these emotions once again.. I wish Jimin-ssi was here with me.


Someone's POV

"Imbeciles!! I trusted you with an important job, but you just wasted it?!" I yelled at the two demons kneeling in front of me.

"My father is going to kill me. No.. Off with your heads, motherf*ckers!" I snapped, making the walls in my chamber around us tremble and shake.
I sat on my throne and massaged my temples.
"Master, he said he will not return and rule our world." My fists clenched upon hearing Azrael's words.

"Do you realize that the king's time is running out and soon we have no choice but to appoint my brother as the new king?" I asked them both before taking a sip from the goblet of wine beside me.

"Yes, my prince. I do know that."

"My prince, don't you want to rule over our empire instead of waiting for Prince Jeongguk to return?" Seok-min uttered, still keeping his head low.

"DK, I think it is much better if an alpha rules our world. What can you expect from me? I'm an omega, besides I trust Jeongguk a more fitting king of thr throne," I replied, as I look at them both with sorrow filled in my eyes.

"I'll have a guardian demon guard him until he returns. Lee Seok-min, I trust you able to do your duty properly. My brother is quite stubborn." I told him, as he bows to me in return.

"I shall do my best, my prince." With that, I stood from my throne and left my chamber.

Jeon jeongguk, time is running.



I woke up with a surprise the next morning, with a pair of eyes staring at me.
"Jeongguk-ssi. Suho-hyung told me you were sick so I had to pass by and check on you " Jimin said with a pout.
"Hey baby. Don't worry, it's just a minor body pain," I replied and pecked on his lips to lessen his worries.

"I told him not to come over, your boyfriend's so stubborn, like you," Suho replied.

"Looks like you can't go to the achievement party then." He added. My sleepy eyes shot open upon hearing those words.
I took a second to look at the calendar on my bedtable.
Today's the party.
"Kookie, it's fine. May I just accompany Taehyung and the others? I promise I won't drink, pwease?" Oh great now he's asking me my permission to have fun without me.

"No! I'll come with you!" I declared, making their heads turn to me and Jimin to look at me worriedly.

I'll make sure THEY won't be ruining this day.



Sorry if the chapter is nonsense. You'll understand soon.


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