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"So, you're under Prime now?" Sideswipe asked after Smokescreen told them everything that happened after they were separated. "Yeah, I always dreamed about that." younger mech smiled. "We know ya did." Sunstreaker patted his shoulder plate. "What happened to you, Sunny?" Smokescreen asked when he noticed a scar on his yellow brother's chassis. Sunstreaker thought for a while if he should tell him. "Sentinel shot me." he finally let out. 

Smokescreen gasped, he would never believe the former Prime would do something like that. "Don't worry 'bout that, Smokes. It ain't your fault." Sunstreaker said and side-hugged his brother before he fell into recharge. But Smokescreen didn't stop to worry about his older brothers, not talking about the lack of Energon both of his brothers suffered with. And there were only two ways to help them, they had to escape or contact the base. 

He looked at Sideswipe who sat next to him, his optics were not as shiny as always, almost grey. "Go to recharge, Sides. You need it," he said but the red mech shook his helm. "I have to make sure you both are alright. Sunny, he... I'm worried about him. The wound isn't healed properly and that worries me." his voice was static at some time. "Recharge, I'll look over you both," Smokescreen replied smiling slightly at his brother while he watched him finally letting his processor shut down.

Smokescreen sighed, he never believed he was to see his brothers ever again and now they were here but dying from lack of Energon. For the first time in his life, he felt completely hopeless. His processor was racing with solutions and plans for how to escape or at least contact the base. And one was better than the others, but his realization would be impossible.

He almost fell into recharge as well but the door sliding open fully awakened him again. He stood up waking up Sunstreaker who still had one servo wrapped around him, Sideswipe was still out cold. Sunstreaker stood up next to his brother. "What do ya want now, Bucket Head?" he asked his voice also contained static that caused Megatron to smirk. "So I see my tactic is already working," he said. Sunstreaker transformed his left servo into a sword and took a step forward. "I'm still able to fight," he said getting into his fight stance. 

Megatron chuckled amused by the yellow Autobot's acting but fair play was not something he complied with. He directly aimed his canon at Sunstreaker and powered up. Sunstreaker didn't even flinch while he now fully stood in front of Smokescreen to prevent him from being shot. "Give me your best shot," he smirked weakly. Megatron's smirk grew when he noticed now both of Autobot's brothers staring with wide optics at him.

The canon powered up more as Megatron fired. Yellow mech tottered at the impact and right after he fell on the ground. Smokescreen almost yelled when he saw his oldest brother fall. Immadetly he opened fire at Megatron who didn't care since his strong armour prevent Autobot's shots to affect him. He left the room closing the door behind him. 

Smokescreen immiadetly turned his attention to his brother, Sideswipe already crawled to him. Both brothers tried to stop the rest of their brother's Energon from leaking out. They both pressed their servos against the wound as a little of Energon leaked out. "We must stop it!" Sideswipe almost yelled as Energon leaked between his digits. Smokescreen tried to think but his processor was rushing and he couldn't think clearly. 

"We must get out of here." he finally said and reached for his transmitter. "Smokescreen to the base, can anyone hear me?" he said into it and hoped for an answer. "Come on, anyone come in!" he yelled out of patience. Finally, he heard static and that meant he had a signal for a second later he heard a voice on the other side of the transmission. "Smo--een? --ere are ---u?" silver mech recognized the voice as Ratchet. 

"Ratchet! You must get us out of here or they won't survive!" Smokescreen yelled still trying with his brother to stop the Energon leaking from their triple's chassis. "W- -re on --r -ay, Smokes---" came the response before the transmission was cut off. "Help is on its way, just hold on," Smokescreen begged both of his brothers. Sideswipe nodded dizzily. "Sunny will kill us when he realises we brought him to Prime," he said. "What do you mean?" Smokescreen asked confused. "He's upset with Sentinel and doesn't trust any bot, you know that." the older mech replied.

Suddenly shots and loud thuds were heard and Smokescreen smiled. "Finally," he said and pressed more on Sunstreaker's wound. "Hold on, brothers. They're here," he added looking and Sideswipe who was slowly but surely blacking out. Smokescreen laid one servo on Sideswipe's shoulder plate to wake him up a little, but the mech was already out of his senses. 

The door blew open and two mechs got inside. "Smokes" called one of them. "Bulkhead!" called Smokescreen back. Robust green mech ran to three brothers. "Can you take him?" Smokescreen asked looking at his friend with coolant in his optics. Bulkhead nodded. "Of course, buddy," he replied and lifted Sunstreaker up and left the cell. "Bee, can you help me with him?" Smokescreen asked his other friend who stood behind him. Mute scout nodded and each wrapped one servo around Sideswipe and led him out of the cell. 

Soon they caught up with the rest of the team. "Smokescreen, are you alright?" Prime asked. "I am but they're not." the rookie replied. Prime looked at the red mech and nodded. "Ratchet, we need a ground bridge," he called the medic and soon green and blue vortex appeared right next to them. "Go," Prime ordered and Bulkhead went first followed by Smokescreen and Bumblebee. Prime and Arcee went last.

When they appeared back on the base, Ratchet immiadetly ordered Bulkhead to lay Sunstreaker on a berth in his medical bay. Sideswipe was seated on one big metal box and supported by a wall. Smokescreen himself wasn't injured. He stood by his brother to support him. "We must get them Energon," he said and left to get some. 

When he returned he held four Energon cubes. "Why do they need so much Energon?" Arcee asked a bit suspiciously. "They didn't have any since they left the Cybertron. Sides passed out from lack of it." Smokescreen explained and made two Energon plasmas just like Ratchet showed him and connected them both with his brother's left servo. Energon was soon gone and it was the worst time, the time of waiting. 

"From where you know them?" Bulkhead asked when Smokescreen sat next to Sideswipe. "They're my brothers." was Smokescreen's answer. "You seem to be the same age." Arcee pointed out. "That's because we're triples." at that answer everyone's optics widened. Triples were super rare almost unrealistic on Cybertron. "Triples?" said Arcee in disbelief. "Yeah, triples. And you don't know about that because I thought they were dead. We got separated during the war. Besides we didn't let anyone know we're triples." Smokescreen replied.

"When were you separated?" Optimus asked. "Back then I was very naive and without experience and even though my brothers' objections I went with Ultra Magnus on a mission in Kaon. There was an old gladiator arena where my brothers fought when we became orphans and that arena was shot down by cons right at us. We were buried alive. Sides told me Sunny was angry at Ultra Magnus because he was the only one who returned. Sunny has never been nice to anybot except for me and Sides. Not like he has no reason for that." the rookie explained as simply as possible. °And your brothers' names are?° Bumblebee asked. Smokescreen laid a servo on the red mech's shoulder plate. "This is Sideswipe and the oldest of us is Sunstreaker," he said.

"I heard about Sunstreaker, not a nice bot," Arcee said folding her servos. Smokescreen huffed. "Like I said he has his reasons. All three of us do," he replied. "Did someone do something to you?" Prime asked. Smokescreen's gaze was pinned to the ground as memories flashed in front of his optics. He tried to shake them away but only another question got him from the trance. "Are you alright?" asked Bulkhead. Smokescreen didn't look up. "Totally." he replied in a tone that said for itself 'don't ask more'. 

It took a few more minutes before the red mech started to stir. Slowly his optics opened. "Welcome back, Sides." greeted Smokescreen with the happiest smile he could do. Red mech rubbed his optics. "Where are we?" he asked. "Safe on the base," Smokescreen replied. "Where is Sunny?" the red mech asked looking around. "Calm down, Sides. Our medic is trying to save him." younger brother explained and Sideswipe relaxed a little. "Besides, it's time to introduce you to Team Prime," Smokescreen added. 

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